- VM with RHEL 8 minimum 2 GB RAM 20 GB Free space
- EDB credentials for EDB Repos 2.0
- Internet access
RHEL 8 subscribe with Redhat
Ensure that all servers can use ssh/scp passwordless communication
Proʀde SSH access
Proʀde SUDO priʀleges
Adjust firewall to allow EFM agents to communicate on ports 7800 and 7810
Adjust firewall to allow communication on designated database port between Database
servers, EFM, and PEM server: typically port 5444
Access to ping or another internal server that should always answer
Reserve an IP address on the same subnet as all servers for the VIP (Virtual IP Address)
The following components will be installed on each of the servers
- Create RHN id / RedHat account in redhat
- Register System with redhat
- Attach pool for ansible
- Enable repos for ansible
- dnf install ansible -y
subscription-manager register
subscription-manager list --available
subscription-manager attach --pool=<pool id>
dnf -y install vim ### Text Editor
dnf -y install net-tools ### IP Address and Network
dnf -y install rsync ### Copy file
dnf -y install chrony ### Date and time
dnf -y update ### Update system
- Step 1: Install EPAS
- Step 2: Configure Replica
- Step 3: Install EFM
- Step 4: Install Pgbouncer
- Step 5: Install Barman
- step 6: Install PEM
- step 7: Install EDB pgAgent
- Install and configure Barman replication from replica server
- Partial wal recover from Barman