
Redis Visual Monitor

Primary LanguageCSS


Redis Visual Monitoring

Install required

  • JDK 6+
  • MySQL5
  • Redis

How to config

Mysql is required before using redis-monitor. First create a table named 'redis-monitor'. You also can config the table name in redis-monitor.properties alternatively. Then alter the config in the portable/product.xml or you can config portable file by yourself in the pom.xml.

create table redis_monitor
    info varchar(1000),
    time timestamp

The monitor.rate in the redis-monitor.properties file indicator that it will gather information from redis using the INFO command every period specified by monitor.rate in milliseconds.

How to package

Package a war file after the configuration. you can use the command as follow:

mvn clean package -DportableConfig="src/main/portable/product.xml"

Or you can config pom.xml


then execute the command as follow:

mvn clean package

How to view

If you deploy the war on the localhost. Then visit http://localhost:8080/index