A Minecraft Terrain Generating Mod for Cubic Chunks 1.12.2. attempting to generate real terrain, biomes, and features on a 1:1 scale
Pinned issues
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Terra++ CWG V8 WaterLevel Crash
#192 opened by samozoid - 1
Terra++ CWG V8 Cave Preset Crash
#191 opened by samozoid - 0
problem with terra 1 to 1
#190 opened by darkMasterM - 1
My Forge Always Crash when using this mod
#189 opened by GuavaJovanJambu - 2
Is this project still being maintained?
#188 opened by ABUCKY0 - 2
- 0
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Newer versions
#185 opened by Byllfighter - 0
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Water has completely dissapeared.
#173 opened by balaramsudip - 0
[info] [offline] offline use, persistence
#182 opened by gianniqq - 2
Terrain rotated 90 degrees CW when generating.
#181 opened by jcsmith85 - 1
#180 opened by delislt - 1
The Mods Stellar Sky and Stellar API Cause a Terra 1-to-t World to Not Generate
#144 opened by TheNewGuy19 - 0
~Issue?~ Vanilla Compass in F3 screen is not oriented in relation to earth model.
#179 opened by ATMmachin3 - 10
(Suggestion) Gravel to mark train tracks
#166 opened by Tanukipack - 1
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[Question] How much big is the full map size?
#178 opened by GeekCornerGH - 6
(suggestion) Space height limit
#175 opened by balaramsudip - 4
The streets do not load in the mod
#167 opened by dnaiol013 - 4
My roads do not appear
#169 opened by delislt - 0
How can I use the Airocean Projection code?
#176 opened by Jpac14 - 7
major generation imperfections
#160 opened by balaramsudip - 3
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Spawn island water not spawning
#172 opened by kingp0tat0 - 0
Mushroom biomes
#170 opened by AragonChristopherR17Z - 2
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Generation of Specific Areas of the world?
#168 opened by MrAppu - 1
Oceans are missing
#165 opened by llvq11211 - 11
No Trees Spawning
#152 opened by SlavThatSquats - 0
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Trees won't naturally generate.
#159 opened by Sebaz00 - 0
[suggestion] adding in world generation
#158 opened by TIBTHINK - 1
A Suggestion
#155 opened - 4
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Spiky wall generation near null island (where the equator meets the Greenwich line)
#145 opened by tomato747 - 1
[Server] Crashing when client tpll's to ocean.
#153 opened by ThatGuyChrisZ - 0
Localization in command classes
#151 opened by SmylerMC - 0
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Worldedit not working with terra121
#142 opened by PrimeDestroyerX - 0
[Suggestion] Make building outlines for the few buildings which don't have a building tag on OSM.
#147 opened by ILikeTrains27 - 0
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Terra 121 latest version crashes the server.
#137 opened by WaxBitz - 10
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Holes in the terrain
#140 opened - 0
Friendly Mobs Not Spawning
#139 opened by T3rauchi - 0
coast line issue
#138 opened by gedd20 - 2
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