Вопросы для собесов фронта




  1. как сделать таблицу без тега table в html
  2. flex vs grid
  3. margin folding ― поведение маржинов во внутреннем и внешнем диве


  1. var, const, let
  2. func expressions vs declarations, arrow
  3. event bubbling (ну и погружение) ― stopPropogation, preventDefault …
  4. event loop, timers “Почему setTimeout не точный”
  5. async exec
  6. async/await ― promises
  7. this, window, binding
  8. prototypes and oop inheritance, Object.create
  9. dom, querySelector, Nodes, NodeList laziness (link)
  10. Object.freeze, Object.keys, Array.from, …
  11. classes in es5, static fields, syntax salt (link)
  12. equality, === vs Object.is
  13. generators
  14. Proxy
  15. getters / setters
  16. Symbols
  17. chrome turbofan optimization tweaks


  1. unknown vs any // type guards
  2. Generics, Utility Types
  3. interfaces vs types
  4. Conditional Types
  5. Type Cast (something vs something as T)
  6. infer operator
  7. never usage


  1. useState ordering ― conditional hooks
  2. contexts
  3. life cycle methods
  4. error handling
  5. Suspense
  6. /* switch
    • styled-components themes (props, hoc, context)
    • Module CSS profits
    • Sass vars and mixins