This is a set of cpubinaries so you can learn how to use it.
We include:
a kernel (cpukernel) with a built-in initramfs comtaining cpud, as well as a public key. Also included, should you want to build your own, is the config file (cpu.config).
a binary client program, cpu, as well as the private key to use. You can place this key in ~/.ssh or specify it via the -key option to cpu.
a script to run the usb stick via qemu (TESTQEMU); and a script to run a cpu command (EXAMPLE).
the extlinux.conf used for the stick.
usbstick.xz is a compressed USB stick image which is bootable. It will uncompress to about 7G. You can use the TESTQEMU script to try it out, or dd it onto a usb stick and boot that stick on an x86 system.
Be careful how you use the keys; they're public. You should really only use them as part of the demo.
The cpukernel was built using the repo. If you clone this repo, cd mainboards/intel/generic make fetch make cpukernel
will rebuild the kernel.