- 1
#37 opened by stianhoiland - 1
Doesn't work in Visual Studio 2022
#36 opened by DCubix - 0
documentation request: example on the lua side
#34 opened by cape - 3
set target table of functions/types
#31 opened by mokafolio - 1
- 4
- 1
How to expose a class, instance methods, class methods, class memberes without lua wrapper code
#27 opened by iongion - 2
Question regarding usage from LUA
#26 opened by onlygo - 1
Bug in lautoc.lua with functions
#25 opened by hypernewbie - 10
Use Internal Lua Tables for data
#16 opened by orangeduck - 0
Enchance Internal Hashtable
#11 opened by orangeduck - 1
#13 opened by orangeduck - 0
Add C99 Option
#14 opened by orangeduck - 1
Update Pointer Hashing
#12 opened by orangeduck