This is the code for paper "Chunk-Based Bi-Scaled Decoder for Neural Machine Translation".
The chunk-based neural machine translation system is on basis of session 2 of dl4mt-tutorial, which is a attention based encoder-decoder machine translation model.
The main difference between our proposed model and dl4mt is that we use a bi-scaled decoder to leverage the target-side phrase information for better translation, and propose the phrase attention for phrase level soft alignments.
- Python 2.7
- Theano
export THEANO_FLAGS=device=gpu2,floatX=float32
python ./
export THEANO_FLAGS=device=gpu2,floatX=float32
python ./ -n -jointProb \
$modeldir/model_hal.iter.npz \
$modeldir/model_hal.npz.pkl \
$datadir/ \
$datadir/hms.en.filter.chunked.pkl \
$datadir/devntest/MT0${i}/MT0${i}.src \
[1]: Hao Zhou, Zhaopeng Tu, Shujian Huang, Xiaohua Liu, Hang Li and Jiajun Chen. Chunk-based Bi-Scale Decoder for Neural Machine Translation. In Proceeding of ACL 2017, short paper.