
Rust and Cargo starter

Primary LanguageRustApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Rust and Cargo Starter (RCS) project


A starter Rust project to get you up and running. It will be added to, refined and expanded over time. This little project is just to get up-and-running a little quicker and form, hopefully, good habits.

Getting Started

Make sure that you have Rust (version used at time of writing was 1.76.0) and associated software installed.


  • Rust programming language
  • Cargo, Rust's package manager


Provide step-by-step instructions on how to get a development environment running.

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/orangekiwi-io/rcs.git
  1. In a terminal window, in the root of the local repository directory, run the following to compile the code:
cargo build
  1. To see the Welcome message, and to check everything is good run the following:
cargo run

Welcome message:

Welcome to Rust and Cargo starter (RCS)
A starter Rust project to get you up and running.
It will be added to, refined and expanded over time.

Modifying the project

Usually you would not add a .env file to a repository (bad practise), but it is added here to help with setting up this starter.


Change the name value to something more useful. Remember that Rust uses snake_case, so follow that naming convention.


Change the crate_name to match the value you changed in Cargo.toml.


Change rcs::run() to match the value you changed in Cargo.toml. For example, if you changed the crate name to bob the code would become bob::run().


Change the PROJECT_NAME value to the name of your project.

To see testing working, change TEST_MODE to 1.


Change cargo_bin("rcs") to match the value you changed in Cargo.toml. For example, if you changed the crate name to bob the code would become cargo_bin("bob").

Change assert!(stderr.contains("Error running Rust Cargo Starter (RCS): Simulated error")); to assert!(stderr.contains("Error running Project Bob: Simulated error")); (the Project name you changed in the .env file).

Run the test function

Once cargo says everything is good (via cargo build), you can run the test.

To test a specific test function, use the entire test function name. Rust/Cargo tests run tests on a pattern matching basis. This means if you have lost of tests starting with test_ and you just run that it will run all tests that match that pattern.

To test your changes run this: cargo test test_run_with_project_test_mode

Don't forget to change the TEST_MODE value back to 0 in your .env file otherwise you will be met with the message in the src/main.rs file.


Should you use this starter as a, well starter project, then you MUST add .env to your .gitignore file because you do not want to commit all your private data (such as API keys) to a repository.

Shout out

Shout out the @sebastienrousseau for pointing me towards Rust. Seb, I'm getting there slowly and this little repository was born from me starting to refactor another project that was/is not very well structured. 😄


The project is licensed under the terms of both the MIT license and the Apache License (Version 2.0).