
Course material from the SENSE Masterclass Git, GitHub and Markdown in a R-environment on 26-01-2018

Primary LanguageHTML


Course material from the SENSE Masterclass Git, GitHub and Markdown in a R-environment on 26-01-2018


All the markdown documents from the course are converted to html files.


  • Introduction_To_Rmd.Rmd: The rmarkdown document to make the presentation (you need the folder of memes to knit this file)
  • example.Rmd: An example rmarkdown document
  • Your.bib, example_script.r, extra_texinfo.tex, functions_markdownCrossRef.R, elsevier-harvard.csl: other things you need to run example.Rmd


Code which we used during the course can be found in git.md.

R projects

Markdown file Working_with_Rprojects.Rmd includes R code, explanations and links how to make your own package.