
A k8s operator for InfluxDB

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Table of Contents


Clone the repository to a location on your workstation, generally this should be in someplace like $GOPATH/src/github.com/.

Navigate to the location where the repository has been cloned and install the dependencies.

dep ensure

InfluxDB Operator

A Kubernetes operator to manage InfluxDB instances.


This Operator is built using the Operator SDK, which is part of the Operator Framework and manages one or more InfluxDB instances deployed on Kubernetes.


The first step is to deploy a pvc backed by a persisten volume where the InfluxDB data will be stored. Next you will deploy one file that will install the Operator, and install the manifest for InfluxDB.

Persistent Volumes

The InfluxDB Operator supports the use of Persistent Volumes for each node in the InfluxDB cluster.

If deploying on GKE clusters see gcp_storageclass.yaml.

If deploying on EKS clusters see aws_storageclass.yaml.

If deploying on AKS clusters see azure_storageclass.yaml.

If deploying on Local Workstation see local_storage.yaml.

Please refer to the Openshift section for the storage on OCP(Openshift Contianer Platform). There are many types of storage class that OCP supports.

The storage class created by each file supports resize of the persistent volume. Note: Resize is only supperted on Kubernetes 1.11 and higher. Persistent Volume Resize

To create a storage class,

kubectl apply -f deploy/gcp-storageclass.yaml

Deploy InfluxDB Operator & Create InfluxDB

The bundle.yaml file contains the manifests needed to properly install the Operator and InfluxDB. Please substitute REPLACE_IMAGE in bundle.yaml with the operator docker image url, then run the following command,

kubectl apply -f bundle.yaml

You can watch the list of pods and wait until the Operator pod is in a Running state, it should not take long.

kubectl get pods 

You can have a look at the logs for troubleshooting if needed.

kubectl logs -l name=influxdata-operator
kubectl logs -l name=influxdb-0

This one file deploys the Operator, Service for InfluxDB, and create the manifest for InfluxDB.

Destroy InfluxDB Cluster

Simply delete the InfluxDB Custom Resource to remove the cluster.

kubectl delete -f bundle.yaml

How to build & deploy your own operator docker image


  • docker push access to your favorite docker registry is configured properly.
  • operator-sdk 0.0.7+ is installed on your workstation.

If the changes of the operator code are desired, make deploy orgname=<docker_repo_name> performs the following steps:

  1. Build and push a new operator image with new tag.
  2. Update the influxdata-operator pod with the new operator image in the current kubernetes cluster associated with the current kubernetes context. kubectl config current-context can show the name of current kubernetes context.

Backup and Restore in AWS

Create "on-demand" Backups & Store it in S3 Bucket

The backup CRD stores the backed up files to an S3 bucket. You first need to create a Kubernetes Secret for authenticating to AWS. Deploy the secret custom resource file aws_creds.yaml.

Note : awsAccessKeyId & awsSecretAccessKey are base64encoded.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
    name: influxdb-backup-s3
type: Opaque
    awsAccessKeyId: <base64encoded> 
    awsSecretAccessKey: <base64encoded>
kubectl create -f deploy/crds/influxdata_v1alpha1_aws_creds.yaml

In order to take a backup for one database, you need to specify the database name in Backup CR file backup_cr.yaml

The below CR file will take a backup for "testdb" and store it in s3://influxdb-backup-restore/backup/ in US-WEST-2 Region.

To backup all databases leave [databases:] blank.

  • Please see InfluxDB OSS Backup
  • Please note the provider is set to s3 as shown in the below yaml.
apiVersion: influxdata.com/v1alpha1
kind: Backup
  name: influxdb-backup
  podname: "influxdb-0"
  containername: "influxdb"
  # [ -database <db_name> ] Optional: If not specified, all databases are backed up.
  databases: "testdb"
  # [ -shard <ID> ] Optional: If specified, then -retention <name> is required.
  # [ -retention <rp_name> ] Optional: If not specified, the default is to use all retention policies. If specified, then -database is required.
  # [ -start <timestamp> ] Optional: Not compatible with -since.
  # [ -end <timestamp> ] Optional:  Not compatible with -since. If used without -start, all data will be backed up starting from 1970-01-01.
  # [ -since <timestamp> ] Optional: Use -start instead, unless needed for legacy backup support.
    provider: s3
            name: influxdb-backup-s3
            key: awsAccessKeyId
            name: influxdb-backup-s3
            key: awsSecretAccessKey
      bucket: influxdb-backup-restore 
      folder: backup
      region: us-west-2

kubectl create -f deploy/crds/influxdata_v1alpha1_backup_cr.yaml

You can have a look at the logs for troubleshooting if needed.

 kubectl logs influxdata-operator-5c97ffc89d-vc7nk

you'll see something like this in logs 2018/11/14 18:17:03 Backups stored to s3://influxdb-backup-restore/backup/20181114181703

Note: 20181114181703 this is the directory name that stored the backup in S3 bucket .

Use backups to restore a database from S3 Bucket

You need to specify the database name that you want to restore. If restoring from a multiple db backup, all db will be restored unless a db name is explicitly specified.

Ex : the yaml file below will restore the "testdb" database from s3://influxdb-backup-restore/backup/20181114181703.

  • Please see InfluxDB OSS Restore.
  • Please note the provider is set to s3 as shown in the below yaml.
apiVersion: influxdata.com/v1alpha1
kind: Restore
  name: influxdb-restore
  backupId: "20181119213530"
  podname: "influxdb-0"
  containername: "influxdb"
  # [ -database <db_name> ] Optional:  If not specified, all databases will be restored.
  database: "testdb"
  # [ -newdb <newdb_name> ] Optional: If not specified, then the value for -db is used. 
  # [ -rp <rp_name> ] Optional: Requires that -db is set. If not specified, all retention policies will be used.
  # [ -newrp <newrp_name> ] Optional: Requires that -rp is set. If not specified, then the -rp value is used.
  # [ -shard <shard_ID> ] Optional: If specified, then -db and -rp are required.
    provider: s3
            name: influxdb-backup
            key: awsAccessKeyId
            name: influxdb-backup
            key: awsSecretAccessKey
      bucket: influxdb-backup-restore 
      folder: backup
      region: us-west-2

kubectl create -f deploy/crds/influxdata_v1alpha1_restore_cr.yaml

You can have a look at the logs for troubleshooting if needed.

kubectl logs influxdata-operator-5c97ffc89d-vc7nk

Backup and Restore in GCP

Create "on-demand" Backups & Store it in a GCS Bucket

The backup CRD stores the backed up files to a GCS bucket. You first need to create a Kubernetes Secret for authenticating to GCP. Deploy the secret custom resource file gcp_sa.yaml.

Note : the gcp service account is base64encoded.

There is a helper script that takes cares of creating a service account, granting the admin IAM role for the GCS bucket used for influxdb data, generating key in JSON, as well as outputing in a base64 encoded format.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: influxdata-backup-gcs
type: Opaque
  sa: <base64encoded>
kubectl create -f deploy/crds/influxdata_v1alpha1_gcp_sa.yaml

In order to take a backup for one database, you need to specify the database name in Backup CR file backup_cr.yaml

The below CR file will take a backup for "testdb" and store it in s3://influxdb-backup-restore/backup/ in US-WEST-2 Region.

To backup all databases leave [databases:] blank.

  • Please see InfluxDB OSS Backup
  • Please note the provider is set to gcs as shown in the below yaml.
apiVersion: influxdata.com/v1alpha1
kind: Backup
  name: influxdb-backup
  podname: "influxdb-0"
  containername: "influxdb"
  # [ -database <db_name> ] Optional: If not specified, all databases are backed up.
  databases: "testdb"
  # [ -shard <ID> ] Optional: If specified, then -retention <name> is required.
  # [ -retention <rp_name> ] Optional: If not specified, the default is to use all retention policies. If specified, then -database is required.
  # [ -start <timestamp> ] Optional: Not compatible with -since.
  # [ -end <timestamp> ] Optional:  Not compatible with -since. If used without -start, all data will be backed up starting from 1970-01-01.
  # [ -since <timestamp> ] Optional: Use -start instead, unless needed for legacy backup support.
    provider: gcs
            name: influxdb-backup-gcs
            key: sa
      bucket: influxdb-backup-restore
      folder: backup
kubectl create -f deploy/crds/influxdata_v1alpha1_backup_cr.yaml

You can have a look at the logs for troubleshooting if needed.

 kubectl logs influxdata-operator-76f9d76c57-r2vpd

you'll see something like this in logs 2018/11/14 18:17:03 Backups stored to gs://influxdb-backup-restore/backup/20190105223039

Note: 20190105223039 this is the directory name that stored the backup in GCS bucket .

Use backups to restore a database from GCS Bucket

You need to specify the database name that you want to restore. If restoring from a multiple db backup, all db will be restored unless a db name is explicitly specified.

Ex : the yaml file below will restore the "testdb" database from gs://influxdb-backup-restore/backup/20190105223039.

  • Please see InfluxDB OSS Restore.
  • Please note the provider is set to gcs as shown in the below yaml.
apiVersion: influxdata.com/v1alpha1
kind: Restore
  name: influxdb-restore
  backupId: "20190105223039"
  podname: "influxdb-0"
  containername: "influxdb"
  # [ -database <db_name> ] Optional:  If not specified, all databases will be restored.
  database: "testdb"
  # [ -newdb <newdb_name> ] Optional: If not specified, then the value for -db is used. 
  # [ -rp <rp_name> ] Optional: Requires that -db is set. If not specified, all retention policies will be used.
  # [ -newrp <newrp_name> ] Optional: Requires that -rp is set. If not specified, then the -rp value is used.
  # [ -shard <shard_ID> ] Optional: If specified, then -db and -rp are required.
    provider: gcs
            name: influxdb-backup-gcs
            key: sa
      bucket: influxdb-backup-restore
      folder: backup

kubectl create -f deploy/crds/influxdata_v1alpha1_restore_cr.yaml

You can have a look at the logs for troubleshooting if needed.

kubectl logs influxdata-operator-76f9d76c57-r2vpd

Backup and Restore in Azure

Create "on-demand" Backups & Store it in PV

The backup CRD stores the backed up files to a PV(Persistent Volume) as an Azure Disk Storage.

In order to take a backup for one database, you need to specify the database name in Backup CR file backup_cr_pv.yaml

The below CR file will take a backup for "testdb" and store it in a Azure Disk storage standard-resize.

To backup all databases leave [databases:] blank.

  • Please see InfluxDB OSS Backup
  • Please note the provider is set to pv as shown in the below yaml.
apiVersion: influxdata.com/v1alpha1
kind: Backup
  name: influxdb-backup
  podname: "influxdb-0"
  containername: "influxdb"
  # [ -database <db_name> ] Optional: If not specified, all databases are backed up.
  # [ -shard <ID> ] Optional: If specified, then -retention <name> is required.
  # [ -retention <rp_name> ] Optional: If not specified, the default is to use all retention policies. If specified, then -database is required.
  # [ -start <timestamp> ] Optional: Not compatible with -since.
  # [ -end <timestamp> ] Optional:  Not compatible with -since. If used without -start, all data will be backed up starting from 1970-01-01.
  # [ -since <timestamp> ] Optional: Use -start instead, unless needed for legacy backup support.
    provider: pv
kubectl create -f deploy/crds/influxdata_v1alpha1_backup_cr_pv.yaml

You can have a look at the logs for troubleshooting if needed.

 kubectl logs influxdata-operator-64898d58f4-82lg8

you'll see something like this in logs 2019/01/26 00:33:26 backing up db=NOAA_water_database rp=autogen shard=2 to /var/lib/influxdb/backup/20190126003326/NOAA_water_database.autogen.00002.00 since 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z

Note: 20190126003326 this is the directory name that stored the backup.

Use backups to restore a database

You need to specify the database name that you want to restore. If restoring from a multiple db backup, all db will be restored unless a db name is explicitly specified.

Ex : the yaml file below will restore the "testdb" database from /var/lib//backup/20190126003326.

  • Please see InfluxDB OSS Restore.
  • Please note the provider is set to pv as shown in the below yaml.
  apiVersion: influxdata.com/v1alpha1
kind: Restore
  name: influxdb-restore
  backupId: "20190126003326"
  podname: "influxdb-0"
  containername: "influxdb"
  # [ -database <db_name> ] Optional:  If not specified, all databases will be restored.
  database: testdb
  # [ -newdb <newdb_name> ] Optional: If not specified, then the value for -db is used. 
  # [ -rp <rp_name> ] Optional: Requires that -db is set. If not specified, all retention policies will be used.
  # [ -newrp <newrp_name> ] Optional: Requires that -rp is set. If not specified, then the -rp value is used.
  # [ -shard <shard_ID> ] Optional: If specified, then -db and -rp are required.
    provider: pv
kubectl create -f deploy/crds/influxdata_v1alpha1_restore_cr_pv.yaml

You can have a look at the logs for troubleshooting if needed.

kubectl logs influxdata-operator-64898d58f4-82lg8

2019/01/26 01:00:38 Restore DB: , To DB: , Backup key: 20190126003326
2019/01/26 01:00:38 influxd restore -portable /var/lib/influxdb/backup/20190126003326

Manual Procedure for upsizing the Persistent Volume in Azure

First of all, please make sure AKS version is v1.11 up as resizing PV is beta after v1.11, according to https://kubernetes.io/blog/2018/07/12/resizing-persistent-volumes-using-kubernetes/.

As kubernetes/kubernetes#68427 states,if the PVC is already attached to a VM, resize azure disk PVC would fail, you need to delete the pod to let that azure disk unattached first before upsizing on PV can take place. As the Stateful will keep the influxdb pod 's minimual size of 0, we can't simply just delete the pod. Here is a workaround.

  1. kubectl edit sts influxdb so that it uses a fake pvc name such as from influxdb-data-pvc to influxdb-data-pvc-0.
  2. Wait for influxdb-0 in pending state, then kubectl edit pvc influxdb-data-pvc to increase PV size via pvc.
  3. Wait for the pv is updated with the new size, then kubectl edit sts influxdb and revert the pvc change made in step 1.
  4. kubectl delete pod -l app=influxdb will kill the pending pod and create a new influxdb pod that mounts with resized PV.
  5. kubectl get pv,pvc shows the both pv and pvc are updated with the new size.

Backup and Restore in OpenShift Container Platform (OCP)

Overview of Persistent Volume support

Managing storage with Persistent Volume is a distinct problem from managing compute resources. OpenShift Container Platform uses the Kubernetes persistent volume (PV) framework to allow cluster administrators to provision persistent storage for a cluster. Developers can use persistent volume claims (PVCs) to request PV resources without having specific knowledge of the underlying storage infrastructure.

OpenShift Container Platform supports many types PersistentVolume plug-ins. We highlight the following plugins. Furthermore there are many other plugins along with examples can be found from the OpenShift documentation.

Dynamic provisioning support

Dynamic provisioning and creating storage classes. The StorageClass resource object describes and classifies storage that can be requested, as well as provides a means for passing parameters for dynamically provisioned storage on demand. Please make sure to add the specified ansible variables during the cluster deployment. Ceph RBD, GlusterFS and VMWare provisioner support dynamic provisioning for OCP v3.11.

In the ansible inventory file (/etc/)



Expanding of Persistent Volume support in OCP

Please note this feature is not turned on in OCP v3.11 by default. Please follow Enabling Expansion of Persistent Volume on how to configure OCP to expand PV.

According to OCP 3.11 release note, Block storage volume types such as GCE-PD, AWS-EBS, Azure Disk, Cinder, and Ceph RBD typically require a file system expansion before the additional space of an expanded volume is usable by pods. Kubernetes takes care of this automatically whenever the pod or pods referencing your volume are restarted. Network attached file systems, such as GlusterFS and Azure File, can be expanded without having to restart the referencing pod, as these systems do not require unique file system expansion.

Cluster installation

Please make sure you have a a valid Red Hat subscription and then follow the steps from Installing Openshift Container Platform cluster. openshift-ansible playbook is the key for instllation and configuration of the cluster.

Here is the cluster and OCP version we are using

$ oc version
oc v3.11.69
kubernetes v1.11.0+d4cacc0
features: Basic-Auth GSSAPI Kerberos SPNEGO

Server https://ocp-master-1.c.influx-db-operator.internal:8443
openshift v3.11.69
kubernetes v1.11.0+d4cacc0

StorageClass for NFS

Please see nfs_storage.yaml. Only static provisioning is supported for NFS.

oc describe pv influxdb-data-pv-nfs
Name:            influxdb-data-pv-nfs
Labels:          <none>
Annotations:     kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration={"apiVersion":"v1","kind":"PersistentVolume","metadata":{"annotations":{},"name":"influxdb-data-pv-nfs","namespace":""},"spec":{"accessModes":["ReadWri...
Finalizers:      [kubernetes.io/pv-protection]
StorageClass:    no-provisioner
Status:          Available
Reclaim Policy:  Retain
Access Modes:    RWO
Capacity:        8Gi
Node Affinity:   <none>
    Type:      NFS (an NFS mount that lasts the lifetime of a pod)
    Server:    nfs.openshift.example.com
    Path:      /data
    ReadOnly:  false
Events:        <none>

StorageClass for Ceph RBD

Using Ceph RBD for dynamic provisioning Please see ceph_storage.yaml.

oc describe sc ceph-resize
Name:                  ceph-resize
IsDefaultClass:        No
Annotations:           <none>
Provisioner:           kubernetes.io/rbd
Parameters:            adminId=admin,adminSecretName=ceph-secret,adminSecretNamespace=rook-ceph,fsType=ext4,imageFeatures=layering,imageFormat=2,monitors=,,,pool=kube,userId=kube,userSecretName=ceph-user-secret
AllowVolumeExpansion:  <unset>
MountOptions:          <none>
ReclaimPolicy:         Delete
VolumeBindingMode:     Immediate
limitation in Ceph RBD expanding

We ran into the known issue resize pv failed while expanding Ceph RBD. The bug fix would be part of future OCP releases.

StorageClass for GlusterFS

Using GlusterFS for dynamic provisioning Please see glusterfs_storage.yaml.

StorageClass for VSphere

Using vSphere for dynamic provisioning Please see vsphere_storage.yaml.

Backup PV for OCP

The backup CRD stores the backed up files to a PV(Persistent Volume).

In order to take a backup for one database, you need to specify the database name in Backup CR file backup_cr_pv.yaml

The below CR file will backup all databases by leaving [databases:] blank.

  • Please see InfluxDB OSS Backup
  • Please note the provider is set to pv as shown in the below yaml.
apiVersion: influxdata.com/v1alpha1
kind: Backup
  name: influxdb-backup
  podname: "influxdb-0"
  containername: "influxdb"
  # [ -database <db_name> ] Optional: If not specified, all databases are backed up.
  # [ -shard <ID> ] Optional: If specified, then -retention <name> is required.
  # [ -retention <rp_name> ] Optional: If not specified, the default is to use all retention policies. If specified, then -database is required.
  # [ -start <timestamp> ] Optional: Not compatible with -since.
  # [ -end <timestamp> ] Optional:  Not compatible with -since. If used without -start, all data will be backed up starting from 1970-01-01.
  # [ -since <timestamp> ] Optional: Use -start instead, unless needed for legacy backup support.
    provider: pv
kubectl create -f deploy/crds/influxdata_v1alpha1_restore_cr_pv.yaml

You can have a look at the logs for troubleshooting if needed.

oc logs -f influxdata-operator-6788d5ffc5-m2d7r
2019/02/12 20:39:18 backup complete:
2019/02/12 20:39:18 	/var/lib/influxdb/backup/20190212203917/20190212T203918Z.meta
2019/02/12 20:39:18 	/var/lib/influxdb/backup/20190212203917/20190212T203918Z.s1.tar.gz
2019/02/12 20:39:18 	/var/lib/influxdb/backup/20190212203917/20190212T203918Z.s2.tar.gz
2019/02/12 20:39:18 	/var/lib/influxdb/backup/20190212203917/20190212T203918Z.s3.tar.gz
2019/02/12 20:39:18 	/var/lib/influxdb/backup/20190212203917/20190212T203918Z.s4.tar.gz
2019/02/12 20:39:18 	/var/lib/influxdb/backup/20190212203917/20190212T203918Z.s5.tar.gz
2019/02/12 20:39:18 	/var/lib/influxdb/backup/20190212203917/20190212T203918Z.s6.tar.gz
2019/02/12 20:39:18 	/var/lib/influxdb/backup/20190212203917/20190212T203918Z.manifest
2019/02/12 20:39:18 Done with reconcile!

Restore PV for OCP

You need to specify the database name that you want to restore. If restoring from a multiple db backup, all db will be restored unless a db name is explicitly specified.

Ex : the yaml file below restore all the database from /var/lib//backup/20190212203917.

  • Please see InfluxDB OSS Restore.
  • Please note the provider is set to pv as shown in the below yaml.
apiVersion: influxdata.com/v1alpha1
kind: Restore
  name: influxdb-restore
  backupId: "20190212203917"
  podname: "influxdb-0"
  containername: "influxdb"
  # [ -database <db_name> ] Optional:  If not specified, all databases will be restored.
  # [ -newdb <newdb_name> ] Optional: If not specified, then the value for -db is used. 
  # [ -rp <rp_name> ] Optional: Requires that -db is set. If not specified, all retention policies will be used.
  # [ -newrp <newrp_name> ] Optional: Requires that -rp is set. If not specified, then the -rp value is used.
  # [ -shard <shard_ID> ] Optional: If specified, then -db and -rp are required.
    provider: pv

You can have a look at the logs for troubleshooting if needed.

oc logs -f influxdata-operator-6788d5ffc5-m2d7
2019/02/12 20:49:01 Restore DB: , To DB: , Backup key: 20190212203917
2019/02/12 20:49:01 influxd restore -portable /var/lib/influxdb/backup/20190212203917