
A script to discover stale ECR images and take action on them with Lambda to help reduce costs.

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

Automated Image Cleanup for Amazon ECR

The Python script and Lambda function described here help clean up images in Amazon ECR. The script looks for images that are not used in running Amazon ECS tasks and Amazon Lambda container images that can be deleted. You can configure the script to print the image list first to confirm deletions, specify a region, or specify a number of images to keep for potential rollbacks.

Authenticate with AWS

Configuring the AWS Command Line Interface.

Use virtualenv for Python execution

To prevent any problems with your system Python version conflicting with the application, we recommend using virtualenv.

Install Python: pip install python 3

Install virtualenv:

$ pip install virtualenv
$ virtualenv -p PATH_TO_YOUR_PYTHON_3 cloudformtion
$ virtualenv ~/.virtualenvs/cloudformtion
$ source ~/.virtualenvs/cloudformtion/bin/activate

Generate the Lambda package

  1. CD to the folder that contains main.py.
  2. Run the following command: pip install -r requirements.txt -t pwd``
  3. Compress the contents of folder (not the folder).

Upload the package to Lambda

  1. Run the following command: aws lambda create-function --function-name {NAME_OF_FUNCTION} --runtime python2.7 --role {ARN_NUMBER} --handler main.handler --timeout 15 --zip-file fileb://{ZIP_FILE_PATH}

Send the package update to Lambda

  1. Run the following command:

    aws lambda update-function-code --function-name {NAME_OF_FUNCTION} --zip-file fileb://{ZIP_FILE_PATH}


Prints the images that are not used by running tasks and which are older than the last 100 versions, in all regions:

python main.py

Deletes the images that are not used by running tasks and which are older than the last 100 versions, in all regions:

python main.py –dryrun False

Deletes the images that are not used by running tasks and which are older than the last 20 versions (in each repository), in all regions:

python main.py –dryrun False –imagestokeep 20

Deletes the images that are not used by running tasks and which are older than the last 20 versions (in each repository), in Oregon only:

python main.py –dryrun False –imagestokeep 20 –region us-west-2

Deletes the images that are not used by running tasks and which are older than the last 20 versions (in each repository), in Oregon only, and ignore image tags that contains release or archive:

python main.py –dryrun False –imagestokeep 20 –region us-west-2 -ignoretagsregex release|archive