
Netflix Data Store Benchmark

Primary LanguageHTML


Build Status Dev chat at https://gitter.im/Netflix/ndbench

About NdBench

Details about the features can be found in the Wiki


The stable version of NdBench is the master branch.

For questions or contributions, please consider reading CONTRIBUTING.md.


NdBench comes with a Gradle wrapper

./gradlew build

The gradlew script will pull down all necessary gradle components/infrastructure automatically, then run the build.

NdBench provides several default implementations ( LocalClusConfiguration, credentials etc). You can use these or choose to create your own. NdBench is currently working on AWS and your local environment. We are open to contributions to support other platforms as well.


The first step before building ndbench is to configure the interfaces related to your environment in the InjectedWebListener. Checkout the Wiki for further explanation on what interfaces to bind based on your environment.

  1. Build ndbench
  2. Set up Auto-Scale Group (ASG) and spin up instances
  3. Deploy ndbench-web.war in your container


    ./gradlew appRun


You can provide properties by using ndbench{version}.jar in your web container and then implementing IConfiguration Interface. More details on the how the configuration can be found in the Wiki.


Need some help with either getting up and going or some problems with the code?

  • Submit an issue to repo
  • Chat with us on Dev chat at https://gitter.im/Netflix/ndbench


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0