OCI registry client - managing content like artifacts, images, packages
- 10
`mismatch Content-Length` when copying recursively between Google Artifact Registry repositories
#1626 opened by rorynickolls-skyral - 0
Wildcards for adding files of a certain type
#1639 opened by VMariusKlein - 0
- 5
Add one alias to "oras manifest fetch"
#1574 opened by FeynmanZhou - 18
Add a new `--format tree-full` flag for `oras discover`
#1534 opened by Wwwsylvia - 3
- 5
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 10
Can't download an OCI package twice if package contains symbolic links
#1593 opened by flavioschuindt - 0
Upgrade Go version to `1.24`
#1627 opened by Wwwsylvia - 0
- 2
- 3
refactor `oras push` to use handlers for command output
#1549 opened by shizhMSFT - 2
Support get version from buildinfo
#1616 opened by liubog2008 - 2
- 0
add SVG file to license checker ignoring list
#1619 opened by FeynmanZhou - 6
- 0
Refactor `OnCompleted()` of metadata handlers
#1573 opened by wangxiaoxuan273 - 2
Missing examples for the `--oci-layout-path` flag
#1611 opened by Wwwsylvia - 6
Create a mock console to increase test coverage on mac
#1461 opened by TerryHowe - 0
improve error message of `oras cp`
#1469 opened by qweeah - 1
`--oci-layout-path` should be marked as experimental
#1582 opened by qweeah - 1
- 9
When I execute an oras push, the scope that calls the get service token loses the push, only the pull
#1599 opened by hopegi - 2
Support `--artifact-platform` in `oras attach`?
#1537 opened by Wwwsylvia - 8
Signature verification of 1.2.2
#1595 opened by oallauddin - 4
Fetching Image From Public Registry Results in HTTP 401 on Windows 11 Under WSL2 Through Rancher Desktop
#1589 opened by donmai2024 - 4
- 0
Inconsistent output in "oras manifest index create"
#1576 opened by FeynmanZhou - 0
- 0
Improve the format of `--debug` logs
#1535 opened by Wwwsylvia - 0
Deprecate the `--verbose` flag
#1533 opened by Wwwsylvia - 0
Improve the state matching in E2E tests
#1571 opened by Wwwsylvia - 0
examples relying on experimental features should also be marked as exmperiemtal
#1568 opened by qweeah - 1
refactor `oras cp` to use handlers for command output
#1548 opened by shizhMSFT - 0
Add OS/Arch information into `oras version`
#1536 opened by Wwwsylvia - 0
flaky console test
#1543 opened by qweeah - 1
oras tag/push should fail fast on invalid input
#1479 opened by wangxiaoxuan273 - 0
Windows unit test cannot be compiled
#1540 opened by qweeah - 0
Adding platform annotations in artifact manifests through `--artifact-platform`
#1538 opened by Wwwsylvia - 0
`oras manifest index create/update --output -` should hide other stdout output
#1503 opened by qweeah - 26
`oras cp` fails if `org.opencontainers.image.ref.name` contains a full reference
#1505 opened by mauriciovasquezbernal - 1
`oras push --artifact-platform` is not compatible with `oras pull --platform` and similar commands
#1517 opened by Wwwsylvia - 0
Improve description of "oras copy"
#1456 opened by FeynmanZhou - 0
- 0
make `oras push` and `oras attach` deterministic
#1464 opened by qweeah - 0
Upgrade Go version to `1.23`
#1492 opened by Wwwsylvia - 6
Durable mkdir using oras pull
#1457 opened by wfil-sym