As a Full Stack Developer I bring a deep understanding of both client & server technologies to develop complex applications with 13 years of coding.
Full Stack DeveloperKfar Saba, Israel
Pinned Repositories
Built in February 2020. A Node.js + Puppeteer.js application to fetch as many valid email addresses from crawling web pages sources resulted from crawling search engines sources, according to specific and random search keys.
A very cool project go generate a dynamic video from filling a form
Built in July 2018. REST API built using Node.js and JavaScript ES6 for renting movies from virtual movies library. Using libraries such as: bcrypt (For decrypting token), compression (Compress all the project data), eslint (Linting for better code), express (Rest calls and server CRUD management, fawn (2 face transaction), helmet (Secure the data), jsonwebtoken (Generate user authentication tokens), moment (Manager date times), mongoose (NoSQL Big data Database), winston (For logging into external log files), winston-mongodb (For logging into mongodb itself). Also, using jest and supertest for both unit and integration tests.
Next.js Custom hooks Tailwind CSS (My first project with this framework, instead of CSS modules). Socket.IO-Client @headlessui/react + framer-motion (For the cool animations). fontawesome (For the cool fonts). chance (For randomizing users). sass (To support SCSS). yup (Validation)
Built in October 2018. Workflow of the 'React - The Complete Guide (incl Hooks, React Router, Redux)' course by Academind by Maximilian Schwarzmüller.
A very cool project - Snowflake API
Built in Match 2021. A Node.js + Puppeteer.js application to connect to a random proxy server and to subscribe email addresses to spam newsletters.
Built in June 2023. A Next.js 13.4 project, includes, GPT-3.5 turbo, Drag & Drop, Zustand, Appwrite Cloud, TS
A very cool project to manage users - Next.js + Server
Built in April 2023. The client application's role is to contain the UI and display it to the user. World-covid-19-data is an application to display data of cases, deaths, and recovers for each country and are known in the world, from the 8 different APIs. The client built in React and this is a [Next.js](https://nextjs.org/) project
orassayag's Repositories
Built in February 2020. A Node.js + Puppeteer.js application to fetch as many valid email addresses from crawling web pages sources resulted from crawling search engines sources, according to specific and random search keys.
Built in Match 2021. A Node.js + Puppeteer.js application to connect to a random proxy server and to subscribe email addresses to spam newsletters.
Built in July 2018. REST API built using Node.js and JavaScript ES6 for renting movies from virtual movies library. Using libraries such as: bcrypt (For decrypting token), compression (Compress all the project data), eslint (Linting for better code), express (Rest calls and server CRUD management, fawn (2 face transaction), helmet (Secure the data), jsonwebtoken (Generate user authentication tokens), moment (Manager date times), mongoose (NoSQL Big data Database), winston (For logging into external log files), winston-mongodb (For logging into mongodb itself). Also, using jest and supertest for both unit and integration tests.
Built in December 2020. A Node.js + Puppeteer.js application to get Udemy courses links from a coupon site, and purchase the FREE ONLY courses (by the coupon) on Udemy site.
Built in January 2019. A Node.js application to scan the Gmail MBOX files (that contains all the inbox/sent email messages). The process will contain verification of the email messages count, and all email addresses count, validate each email address, and in the end, export all email addresses to a TXT file. Doing all of this, without any traditional database involved. Also, to build a script that merges a couple of merged TXT files, and pulls out their diff.
Most popular NPM packages
Simple but effective app for Angular-IL meetup raffles.
Built in June 2021. A simple auth microservice, inspired by https://github.com/danielfsousa/express-rest-boilerplate.
Built in April 2021. A Node.js application to check multi projects declared in an external JSON file, to get a list of outdated NPM packages and log them to an external TXT file.
Built in May 2020. The client application's role is to test DOMParser objects. The client built in React, and always updated with the latest version of create-react-app (https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app).
A very cool project go generate a dynamic video from filling a form
Built in February 2023. A Node.js application to send emails via AWS SQS.
Built in April 2021. A simple Node.js application to scan and log all the empty directories from a given path and log them into a TXT file.
Built in March 2021. A Node.js application to create a notepad TXT file calendar by combining a few elements: copying old data from a previous event dates TXT file and creating expiration events, birthdays events, and common events that repeat each day and each weekend / each second weekend. Another element is to import all the Jewish holidays and events from an online website, and finally, take static events to be included in the calendar. All these will be combined into one new event dates TXT file. Also included - A script to scan the unmarked tasks.
Built in February 2020. A Node.js application to scan file names, directory paths, and file contents to alert for spell mistakes within the names via log.
Built in May 2023. A Collection of job interviews, and tests, with extra files to exercises with subjects that need to be improved.
Node Microservice Boilerplate
Next.js Custom hooks Tailwind CSS (My first project with this framework, instead of CSS modules). Socket.IO-Client @headlessui/react + framer-motion (For the cool animations). fontawesome (For the cool fonts). chance (For randomizing users). sass (To support SCSS). yup (Validation)
Built in November 2020. An Node.js application to send bulk of email addresses from different sources via SendGird.
A very cool project - Snowflake API
Built in June 2023. A Next.js 13.4 project, includes, GPT-3.5 turbo, Drag & Drop, Zustand, Appwrite Cloud, TS
A very cool project to manage users - Next.js + Server
Built in May 2020. The client application's role is to contain the UI and display it to the user. World-covid-19-data is an application to display data of cases, deaths, and recovers for each country and are known in the world, from the 8 different APIs. The client built in React, and always updated with the latest version of create-react-app (currently 4.0.3) (https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app).
Built in April 2023. The client application's role is to contain the UI and display it to the user. World-covid-19-data is an application to display data of cases, deaths, and recovers for each country and are known in the world, from the 8 different APIs. The client built in React and this is a [Next.js](https://nextjs.org/) project
Built in April 2021. A simple Node.js application to fetch and log all the comments of a specific YouTube video, by using the YouTube V3 REST API.
Built in November 2024. A Node.js/TypeScript application to create a notepad TXT file calendar by combining a few elements: copying old data from a previous event dates TXT file and creating expiration events, birthdays events, and common events that repeat each day and each weekend / each second weekend
A customizable life embetterment robot.
NodeJS driver
Simple CRUD operations with React + Node.js