
Orbcode support library for ARM Cortex-M trace components

Primary LanguageCOtherNOASSERTION

Orbcode Trace functions library


This library provides C/C++ functions for configuring ARM Cortex-M trace components.


Following features are supported:

  • Trace Port Interface Unit
    • Configuring trace protocol
  • Instrumentation Trace Macrocell
    • Configuring ITM
    • Outputing data over stimulus ports
  • Data Watchpoint & Trace Unit
    • Configuring DWT including PC sampling, timestamp generations and counters
    • Setting up watchpoints

All functions are available as header-only library depending only on CMSIS core_cmXX.h header provided by MCU vendor. Once library is available (see Installation section below) it can be used in application code as follow:

#include "my_mcu_device.h" // Vendor-provided header that includes core_cmXX.h
#include "orbcode/trace/tpiu.h"
#include "orbcode/trace/itm.h"
#include "orbcode/trace/dwt.h"

static void ConfigureTraceComponents()
    TpiuOptions tpiu;
    // TODO: setup TPIU using by setting fields in tpiu variable
    ITMOptions itm;
    // TODO: setup ITM using by setting fields in itm variable
    DWTOptions dwt;
    // TODO: setup DWT using by setting fields in dwt variable

    // Apply configuration as defined in structs

static void UseITM()
    // Output data on ITM stimulus port
    ITMWrite8(4, 'H');
    ITMWrite8(4, 'E');
    ITMWrite8(4, 'L');
    ITMWrite8(4, 'L');
    ITMWrite8(4, 'O');

int main()
    ConfigureVendorSpecificOptionsRequiredForTracing(); // i.e. clock, GPIOs


Refer to documentation of each module for details how each component is configured and what functionalities are available.

Warning: Currently libtrace is optimistic when it comes to MCU capabilities. For devices with limited trace features it is possible for libtrace to generate invalid configuration. If that happens, please let us know by submitting issue and we will try to adapt library.


As library is header only it is straightforward to use with any build system.

CMake + FetchContent

For projects using CMake it is recommended to use FetchContent to download libtrace library and include it in build system automatically.

Fetch library:


    GIT_REPOSITORY https://github.com/orbcode/libtrace.git
    GIT_TAG v0.1.0

Include Orbcode::Trace as dependency:

target_link_libraries(MyApplication PUBLIC Orbcode::Trace)

Other build systems

Other build system must download libtrace manually (git submodule, wget, etc) and add folder libs/trace/include to include directories in compiler command line:

CFLAGS += -Idownloaded_libs/libtrace/libs/trace/include


Although for end-user this library can be treated as header-only with no build steps required, for development of library itself it is useful to be able to generate proper build system.

Simple command line for using Ninja generator:

cmake -G Ninja -S<libtrace source dir> -B<build directory> --toolchain <toolchain file for arm-none-eabi> -DORBCODE_LIBTRACE_BUILD_TEST=ON -DORBCODE_LIBTRACE_DOCS=ON
ninja -C <build directory> # Compile test libraries
ninja -C <build directory> docs # Generate Doxygen documentation in <build directory>/docs/html

Following options are availble:

  • ORBCODE_LIBTRACE_BUILD_TEST (default: OFF) - compile simple test files to make sure that header files are correct (useful for detecting syntax errors). When this option is enable toolchain capable for compiling for ARM Cortex-M is required (e.g. arm-none-eabi-gcc with -mmcu=cortex-m3)
  • ORBCODE_LIBTRACE_DOCS (default: OFF) - build Doxygen documentation (requires Doxygen)