
TETRA - the new Orbs web-based staking wallet with token locking support

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Orbs Staking Wallet (Tetra)

Web client that enables users to take part in the ORBS pos staking process. All contract interactions are done with the orbs-pos-data library.


  • For unit tests, run in terminal in root project directory:

    npm run test

Running - Local ethereum network - synthetic committee & stake

  • Start local ethereum network (Ganache)

     cd ./ganach-env
     npm install
     npm run up-dev
  • Start local dev server (from the root folder of the project)

    npm run dev

Running - Local ethereum network with tunnel to test mobile wallet - synthetic committee & stake

  • Start local ethereum network (Ganache)

     cd ./ganach-env
     npm install
     npm run up-dev
  • Start local dev server (from the root folder of the project)

    npm run tunnel-status
    npm run tunnel-ganache
    npm run serve-dev-tunnel

    make sure that the mobile device and computer connected to the same wifi. copy "On Your Network" url and paste it inside the mobile wallet app browser

  • Setup Metamask wallet

Running - Local Fork from ethereum mainnet - current real world committee snapshot

  • Start local ethereum network (Ganache)

     cd ./ganach-env
     npm install
     export ETHEREUM_FORK_URL=[url to infura or other mainnet node]
     npm run up-mainnet-fork
  • Start local dev server (from the root folder of the project)

    npm run dev-fork

Running - Local Fork from ethereum mainnet with tunnel to test mobile wallet - current real world committee snapshot

  • Start local ethereum network (Ganache)

     cd ./ganach-env
     npm install
     export ETHEREUM_FORK_URL=[url to infura or other mainnet node]
     npm run up-mainnet-fork
  • Start local dev server (from the root folder of the project)

    npm run tunnel-status
    npm run tunnel-ganache
    npm run serve-dev-fork-tunnel

    make sure that the mobile device and computer connected to the same wifi. copy "On Your Network" url and paste it inside the mobile wallet app browser

Running - Local Orbs service against ropsten testnet - synthetic committee with more realistic delays and gas costs

  • Start local ethereum network (Ganache)

     cd ./ganach-env
     npm install
     npm run up-ropsten
  • Start local dev server (from the root folder of the project)

    npm run dev-rops
  • Setup Metamask wallet

Test tetra

  • Open the localhost address in your browser (localhost:8080)

  • Setup Metamask:

    • Configure your Metamask browser plugin network to localhost:7545
    • Test scenarios require access to a predefined address which is preassigned with stake and rewards. To unlock this address in Metamask choose one of these two:
      • For a separate Metamask account, use mnemonic vanish junk genuine web seminar cook absurd royal ability series taste method identify elevator liquid
      • To test Tetra while using a different mnemonic, you can import just the Tetra test account using a private key: 0xf2ce3a9eddde6e5d996f6fe7c1882960b0e8ee8d799e0ef608276b8de4dc7f19

CAUTION : Be careful not to use this account on the mainnet !!!

  • Start using Tetra :)


  • Run in terminal in root project directory:

    npm run deploy

Deploy your own version to github pages

You can deploy your own version of Tetra to github pages very easily.

  1. Open a new repo on github.
  2. Change the value of the env variable 'DEPLOY_REPO' in the 'deploy' command on 'package.json' to match the name of your new repo.
  3. Change the values on ".env"
    • ETHEREUM_NETWORK - ropsten/mainnet
    • PUBLIC_BASE_PATH - '/' + the name of your repo
    • PUBLIC_BASE_PATH_SECTIONS - 1 (for github pages)
  4. Change 'segmentCount' on '404.html' to 1 (for github pages).
  5. Run in terminal
    npm run deploy

Your own tetra version will now be deployed on the URL (your-github-user).github.io/(your-repo-name)

Note : After your first deploy you will need to set your repo to be used as a project site on GitHub pages

  1. Open your repo page on GitHub.
  2. Go to 'Settings' -> options
  3. Go to the 'GitHub Pages' section.
  4. Activate GitHub pages and select you master branch as its source for deployment.


Polygon network support

As of march 29 2022, Orbs network and Tetra staking wallet supports both ETH and Polygon network.

Staking and reward claiming is now cheaper and faster using the L2 Polygon netwrok.

Network selector is on the top right of the screen next to languages selector.