
This solution showcases BLE IoT board with RN4870 module and ATMEGA3208 conecting with lightblue punchthrough app sending and receiving data

Primary LanguageC


Devices (Device): | ATmega3208(MCU) | RN4870(BLE) | MCP9844 | BMA253 | Devices (Unused, On-Board): | ECC608(Crypto) | SST25PF040CT | CLICK Header | PIC-BLE

Hardware Pinout


Demonstration Features

  1. Bridged Communication between CDC <--> RN Module when in DISCONNECTED state
    • Allow for direct execution of commands of RN487X Module
    • Refer to RN487X User Guide for details of use.
  2. There are No Application behaviors when NOT CONNECTED outside the Bridge communication feature.
  3. Use the LightBlue(tm) by Punch Through for BLE demonstration.
    • Application is supported by iOS & Android Cell Phone devices.
    • Available in the Application Store
  4. Demonstration uses character profile configured to allow for format specification with the phone application
    • Microchip Logo & Name will appear for BLE devices containing the names:
      • PIC-BLE
      • AVR-BLE
      • RN487X
  5. When CONNECTED(ING) to the application the BLUE LED (BLE) will turn on.
    • The LED will BLINK during the interrogation process.
    • Interrogation process is very fast, BLINKING may not be observable
  6. From the Phone Application the following actions can be performed.
    • LEDs State toggled based upon toggle switches. (Top Left)
    • Push Button status is shown. (Top Right)
    • Accelerometer X, Y, Z data is visible via horizonal scroll bars. (Middle)
    • Strings Typed into the CDC Terminal while CONNECT are displayed on the screen. (Middle Bottom
      • Shown in ASCII
      • Shown in Hex
    • Data can be written into the Terminal and sent to the End-Device.
      • Sent in ASCII (String) form
      • Sent in Hex (base 16) form
  7. The application will display Data sent from the LightBlue Explorer Demo every ~1 Second.
    • Data is sent as 'Characters', & displayed in varied form.
      • Temperature value: Sent as (int16_t) hex Celsius value - Displayed Celsius or Fahrenheit
      • Accelerometer value: Sent as (int16_t) hex 12-bit values - Displayed + / - (X, Y, Z)
      • Push Button State: Sent as (uint8_t) hex boolean value represented per button - 0 / 1 (NOT PUSHED / PUSHED)
      • LEDs Status: Sent as (uint8_t) hex boolean value represented per button - 0 / 1 (OFF / ON)
      • Protocol Version: Sent as (uint8) hex value representing demo firmware version - 01 (Version 1)

Expected Out of Box Behavior

  1. Power On Behavior
    • Power Supply (PS) Green LED will turn on when connect to PC.

PS Indicator On

  1. Board on PC Behavior
    • Connected Board will appear as 'CURIOSITY' on the PC.
      • Dragging over .hex file will result in reprogramming of the board.
      • Green (PS) LED will flash during programming.
  2. BLE Not Connected Behavior
    • ALL LEDS will be off (Initially).
    • PC <-> RN487X UART Bridge Will be functional.
      • Terminal Baud Rate : 9600
      • Provides the Ability to communicate directly to the RN487X device.
    • In LightBlue(tm) Application Device Name will appear under device list.
      • Microchip profile graphic will appear next to device name.
  3. BLE Connected Behavior (Connected to RN487X through LightBlue(tm) Application)
    • Blue LED (BLE) will be static on when connected

BLE Connected

- Accelerometer Values will appear and be updated periodically.
- Button State will be reflected and updated periodically
- LED states (DATA and ERROR) will be reflected and updated periodically.
- LEDs (DATA and ERROR) will be able to be toggled.
- Temperature Data will be displayed and updated periodically.
- Serial Data from LightBlue Explorer will be sent to a serial terminal on the PC
- Serial Data sent from a serial terminal on the PC will be displayed inside of LightBlue Explorer.

App Connected

Protocol: Light Blue Protocol

All Packet Example fields are in ASCII Chars unless otherwise noted. All packets assumed to be little-endian. The Payload Length excludes header size and refers only to the payload size.

Protocol Packet Types: (Device --> Light Blue)

Packet ID Description
'V' Protocol Version
'L' LED State
'P' Button State
'T' Temperature Data
'X' Accelerometer Data
'S' Serial Data
'R' Error Code
'U' UI Configuration Data

Protocol Packet Types: (Light Blue --> Device)

Packet ID Description
'L' LED State
'S' Serial Data
'R' Error Code

Packet Example:

Start Byte (1) Sequence Number (1) Packet ID (1) Payload Size (2) Payload (n) Termination Byte (1)
'[' '0' - 'F' Packet ID '0' - 'F' See Examples ']'

LED Packet Payload:

LED1 '1' OFF '0'
LED1 '1' ON '1'
LED0 '0' OFF '0'
LED0 '0' ON '1'

Button State Packet Payload:

Button ID Button State
BTN1 '1' Not Pressed '0'
BTN1 '1' Pressed '1'

Temperature Data:

Temperature Data Math
16-bit Temperature Reading in ̊ Celsius. LSB First (=Tamb<<4 + sign<<12)

Accelerometer Data Payload:

X Data Y Data Z Data
X Acceleration 12 bit, LSB first Integer Y Acceleration 12 bit, LSB first Integer Z Acceleration 12 bit, LSB first Integer

Serial Data Payload:

Serial Data (0-128)
Hex or ASCII, Data Strings Displayed as ‘0’ - ‘F’ ASCII)

Error Code Packet Payload:

Error Code (1 char)
‘1’ - ‘F’ = FAIL

UI Configuration Data Payload :

No. of LEDs No. of Buttons Temperature Supported Accelerometer Supported HW ID
'2' '1' No ('0'), Yes ('1') No ('0'), Yes ('1') Board ID

Example strings:

[ 0 L 02 1 0 ]” : Sequence 0, packet “LED”, select LED1, state: OFF

[ 1 V 02 00 ]”: Sequence 1, packet “Version”, select “00”

[ 2 P 02 0 0 ]” : Sequence 2, packet “Push Button”, select BTN1, state: Not Pressed

[ 4 X 0C 00 00 FF FF 00 00 ]” : Sequence 4, packet “Accelerometer”, x=0, y= -1, z=0

[ 5 S 0A 68 65 6C 6C 6F ]” : Sequence 5, packet “Serial”, string: “hello”

[ 6 R 01 F ]” : Sequence 6, packet “Error”, code 15

[ 3 T 04 9C 01 ]” : Sequence 3, packet Temperature 0x019C = 25.75C


-50, -968, 179, [ D X 0C CE 0F 38 0C B3 00 ]

Hints: Expanding on the Out Of Box (OOB) Application

  1. Send a Serial Message through BLE for data display.
    • Data sent will be seen display to the LightBlue(tm) Serial Data Text Field
    • String Messages can be sent via the LIGHTBLUE_SendSerialData(char*) Public Function
    • Message must be TERMINATED using the '\0' NULL ASCII character
    • Example of using this function in code: LIGHTBLUE_SendSerialData("Hello World\0");
      • This will send the message "Hello World" packaged according to the Light Blue expected protocol format
      • [ 5 S 16 48 65 6c 6c 6F 20 57 6F 72 6C 64]
      • Sequence: 5, Packet "Serial", String: "Hello World"
      • [SeqNum 'S' PayloadSize *Payload]

Send BLE Serial Message

  1. New Periodic Test, Sensor Measurement, or Actuator Behavior Addition
    • To add a new 'Feature' to the Light Blue explorer demonstration, it is recommended to schedule the event based on system requirements.
    • The easiest method to achieve this; is to configure the use of another peripheral timer responsible for the new application behavior.
    • Keep in mind that 'Looping' speed through the Cooperative (while) loop throughput should be kept minimal.
    • Capture, Processing, and Execution of Task based on data should be managed accordingly based on system resources.

Scheduling Custom Task

  1. Special Behavior Actions can be taken based upon received over BLE from the RN4870 Module
    • Processing of PROTOCOL_PACKET_TYPES_t is a handled at the Application level.
    • Byte default only processing of 'L' & 'S' Commands are handled by the End-Device.
    • Additional Character Commands can be added to the PROTOCOL_PACKET_TYPES_t enum type.
    • Received BLE packets are processed within LIGHTBLUE_ParseIncomingPacket(char)
    • Actual Processing of Valid/Invalid Packets based on 'Type ID' is handled in LIGHTBLUE_PerformAction(char, uint8_t).
    • Processing of the Data is done upon completion of a 'Framed' Packet within the '{' or '}' Characters.

Adding new Command ID

Executing New Type IDs

  1. When CONNECTED, Unique Commands can be issued through the CDC Serial if USB is connected.
    • Can be used to request Pre-Emptive task through terminal
      • 'Finished' Command String stored in 'lightBlueSerial' buffer.
      • Perform a memcpy(destination, source) prior to the call to LIGHTBLUE_SendSerialData.
      • Use lightBlueSerial as the source to capture un-manipulated data
    • Useful for Testing

Capture a CDC Command Message

Process a CDC Command Message

Application Design

  1. Peripheral and System Requirements configured via MCC.
  2. Feature Library: RN2487X Driver Code
  3. Library Usage: Foundation Services (I2C, SPI, EUSART, DELAY), Timer0
  4. GPIO(s): (1) Push Button - SW0, (3) LEDs - DATA (Green, MCU controlled), ERR(Red, RN487X p2_2 controlled), BLE (Blue, RN487X)

Application Architecture

General Flowchart

High Level Flow

BLE Message Parsing

Detailed Design: Framing

BLE Message Processing

Detailed Design: Light Blue

CONNECTED Serial Message Parsing

Detailed Design: Parsing

Light Blue Explorer Use Cases

User Story

General Code Execution Sequence

Sequence Diagram: Start Up

Cooperative Code Loop Execution Sequence

Sequence Diagram: Process

Board Schematics

Board Front Schematic

High Level Flow

Board Back Schematic

High Level Flow

Board Programmer Schematic

High Level Flow