
The Miser Project is practical demonstration of computation-theoretical aspects of software

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The Miser Project

The Miser Project provides an operational demonstration of the features, especially the stored-program concept, that make computers so powerful for practical purposes. The overall approach and its application of mathematical-logic are described at the Miser Project web site, published as GitHub Pages from the docs/ folder here.

Refactoring in Progress (2023-10-27)

The original effort involved organizations of text files with all of the narratives and formal descriptions. Now that I want to use web documentation for continuation, the text materials are going to be moved into web folders on docs/ and continued as authoritative versions there, in proximity with web presentations.

There will be tombstones left in the current text-folder arrangement as the refactoring/repurposing/refinement continues within that framework, one that has been developed over the years for efforts of this kind, such as that under nfoTools. This README will be updated accordingly.

Current Technical Materials (2023-08-19)

There is no active code development at this stage. There are some prototype tests and demonstrations using Standard ML of New Jersey (SML/NJ). They are running behind the formal specification at the moment.

Miser Project conception and precursors to development of code are organized in folders of text files, images, and the prototype code. The extensive usage of *.txt files is for explaining the effort to myself, leading up to polished explanations, experiments, and running code later on.

The organization of folders is here in the Orcmid GitHub repository miser repository. Each folder has a text file of the same name (e.g., miser.txt). These provide some technical information and also a manifest for their content, including sub-folders (having their own-named .txt files, etc.). Most materials are in text files spread around the repository in this manner.

Additional text files in various folders provide the technical (rather than organizational) content. Some remain aspirational place-holders, others are under active development, such as some in oMiser and oFrugal

The most-current fleshed-out materials are in the folder oMiser.

Details of the conceptualization and its progression are reflected in project text files (e.g. miser.txt, oMiser.txt, obtheory.txt) and in dialogue captured in Issue pages and Discussion pages.

Polished documentation will accumulate as development cycles progress. That documentation is being authored as GitHub Pages in the docs folder. A wiki and a Discord server may become handy, depending on interest in the project.

Refactoring/Preservation Underway

Some reorganization is necessary in order to continue smoothly.

Meanwhile, there is other information at Miser Theory until useful/historical content is transposed to this GitHub site.

Descriptive information of the foundation conception is also available in blog articles commencing with Hark! Is That a Theory I see Before Me?.

Discussion about the Miser Project is welcome at the Discussion section. Improvements and removal of defects in the code and documentation can be reported and addressed in the Issues section. There are also relevant projects from time to time.