
An Appium sample for ui testing android projects

Primary LanguageJava

Sample Appium Automation Project for Android Apps

This project is a sample project for Appium Test Automation Framework

What is Appium Test Automation Framework ?

Appium is an open source test automation framework for use with native, hybrid and mobile web apps. It drives iOS, Android, and Windows apps using the WebDriver protocol.

Appium Advantages

  • Using the same API, Appium will allow you to write tests that are against mobile platforms.
  • By using any kind of test frame work or language you can write and run the tests.
  • Appium is an open source platform so you can contribute to it easily.
  • For the hybrid mobile applications and Native, Appium provides cross platform.
  • Appium supports JSON wire protocol.
  • Appium do not require recompilation of App.
  • Appium also supports automation test on the physical devices and also for simulator or emulator both.
  • Appium does not have any dependency on mobile devices.

Last Notes:

  • If you want to run this sample, first you have to install Appium.
  • If you use Mac, you can use this guide.
  • I created this sample with guidance of Onur Baskirt's article.

