
A minimalist Hugo theme designed for portfolio sites.

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


Eternity is a minimalist Hugo theme designed for portfolio sites with a fresh feel.


This project is currently not being actively maintained.
Please do not create new issues on GitHub.
If you urgently require assistance, reach out via email to eternity@bora.sh.


If you are interested in taking over the maintenance of this project, please get in touch.
Your support would be greatly appreciated!


Website: eternity.bora.sh


Used by

Feel free to add your site here.


  • Configurable features.

  • Multiple images support.

  • Clean, fresh, minimalist.

  • Integrated lazy load.

  • Automatically creates resized thumbnails.

  • Shows exif if it exists.


  1. Install Hugo.

  2. Create a new site.

    hugo new site yoursite
    cd yoursite
  3. Remove default config file.

    rm hugo.toml

    If you use an older version of Hugo (< v0.110.0), your config might be called differently:

    rm config.toml
  4. Submodule the theme.

    git init
    git submodule add --depth=1 https://github.com/boratanrikulu/eternity.git themes/eternity
  5. Create config.yaml;
    Apply (1) or (2).

    1. Use the example project (recommended).
      Copy all files from the example project.
      cp -r ./themes/eternity/example/eternity.bora.sh/* .
    2. Use empty content.
      Copy example config.
      cp ./themes/eternity/config.example.yaml ./config.yaml
  6. Start the server.

    hugo serve --port 1313
  7. Go to localhost:1313.


To get last updates, just git pull.

cd themes/eternity && git pull && cd -

Usage of Posts

Go to posts documentation.

Usage of Config.yaml

Go to config documentation.

Editing Style

Go to style documentation.


If you need to contact us for any reason; send a mail to eternity@bora.sh.