
Bootstrap code for arduino project with Platform.IO, done in vscode IDE.

Primary LanguageC++


Bootstrap code for arduino project with Platform.IO, done in vscode IDE.


This project is Win based, some tasks might not work. Another thing to note is that GDB path in tasks.json is hardcoded :)


I just needed simple bootstrap for free and light IDE like vscode for Arduino. To make developing and debuging painless, by debugging I mean locally debugging same (almost) code with watchers and stepping through the code. Another thing is JS-alike EventManager too keep actual project code maximally un-spagethized.


  • Easy way to debug your code inside VSCode with GDB over code compiled with local MinGW.
  • Code splited (in clumsy way) with Arduino only file (main.platform.h) and Debug only (main.debug.h) which provide for example easy way to emulate arduino.h package (which is actually done).
  • JS Alike EventManager that can register multiple events packing any number of listeners both as static function and member function with passed context (this). This was made possible thanks to: ...
  • Delegate Implementation included (http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/136799/Lightweight-Generic-C-Callbacks-or-Yet-Another-Del)
  • Intervals implementation
  • Make main() in debug run setup() loop() properly


  • Sending signals of called arduino function to some tool visualizing it would be cool :)