
website - hosting public generative ORC-721 reference images (in 1x & 4x) for D.I.Y. Punks & friends

Creative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0

Generative ORC-721 Protocol / Standard for Bitcoin & Co


New to Generative ORC-721? See the Getting Started Guide & Documentation »


All mints (valid, broken - if auto-fix possible, "cursed" overflow "negatives") will get generated in 1x (eg. 24×24px) and 4x (eg. 96×96px) and uploaded for public use / reference. If your image for your mint inscribe is missing here, please first check the indexed (& confirmed) mint list (ordered by inscribe num) if included:

For now please report and ask for wen image? in the ordinal punks discord (in the #generative-orc-721 channel). For an invite see https://twitter.com/OrdinalPunks/status/1620230583711576068.

1) Indexed by inscription num(ber)

The inscription long count 0,1,2,3,4 ... to infinity

The naming format is /num/<inscription_num>.png for 1x and /num/<inscription_num>@4x.png for 4x.

Example - Inscription №13418907 - The World's 1st (Generative) ORC-721 ever (using the new standard text format)! - Genesis.

The inscription num(ber) is 13418907 with the content:

og mint diyphunks 5 57 38

resulting in:

(Source: https://ordbase.github.io/num/13418907.png)

(Source: https://ordbase.github.io/num/13418907@4x.png)

For more see /num »

2) Indexed by inscription id

The bitcoin inscription transaction (tx) id with input index

The naming format is /content/<inscription_id>.png (for 1x).

Example - Inscription №13418907 - The World's 1st (Generative) ORC-721 ever (using the new standard text format)! - Genesis.

The inscription id is 54a448aad17203e322b3d421d91c12e1e4c1b1ca46ef2849e52774aeb7a3bd3bi0 - resulting in:

(Source: https://ordbase.github.io/content/54a448aad17203e322b3d421d91c12e1e4c1b1ca46ef2849e52774aeb7a3bd3bi0.png)

For more see /content »


SOON! The reference (open-source) javascript file to render the generative image online via data fetched from "on-chain" ordinals content only.