
Script for automatically lending aavegotchis with predetermined terms

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

About This Project

I created this Node.js script to automatically loan my Aavegotchis based on predetermined lending terms. This script is provided for educational purposes only for others to learn how to build their own automated lending scripts to suit their own needs. I do not recommend that anybody without sufficient knowledge and experience to review and understand the code behind this script to run it in production for themselves.

How It Works

This script is designed to utilize a dedicated lending wallet. It will seek to lend out gotchis by the IDs specified in the .env file. It supports using a separate wallet as a lending operator wallet (highly recommended!). When a gotchi loan has ended, the script relists at the same terms specified in the config file. To stop lending a gotchi, the script must be stopped (CTRL-C). The script can then be restarted as needed.

Installing the Script

I am assuming you already have Node.js installed. The script was developed and tested with v17.4.0. To install, run the following from the root directory of the project:

npm install

Creating the Configuration File

The script needs a file named .env with configuration details specified. You can copy the example file (.env.example) provided as a starting template (ie: cp .env.example .env). See below for documentation on the various configuration parameters.

  • LENDER_WALLET_ADDRESS - (require) the address of a wallet with lending operator permissions to the gotchis to be lent out
  • LENDER_WALLET_KEY - (required) the private key of the lender wallet
  • GOTCHI_IDS - (required) a comma separated list of gotchi ID's (ie: 12736,827,19873)
  • WHITELIST_ID - (optional)
  • ORIGINAL_OWNER_WALLET_ADDRESS - (required if LENDER_WALLET_ADDRESS is not the owner of the gotchis) address of the gotchi owner
  • THIRD_PARTY_WALLET_ADDRESS - (optional) required if THIRD_PARTY_SPLIT > 0
  • UPFRONT_COST - (required) upfront cost, in GHST
  • PERIOD_HRS - (required) loan duration, in hours
  • BORROWER_SPLIT - (required) borrower's share of the earnings, in % * 100 terms (ie: 70 means 70 percent share)
  • OWNER_SPLIT - (required) similar to borrower split, but for owner
  • THIRD_PARTY_SPLIT - (required) similar to borrower split, but for owner, if greater than 0, must also specify a THIRD_PARTY_WALLET_ADDRESS
  • POLYGON_RPC_HOST - (optional) use a different polygon RPC host (defaults to https://polygon-rpc.com)

Running the Script

The script can be run with the command:

node app.js

Additional Command Line Options

The follow command line arguments can be added to the end of node app.js to further customize the script's behavior:

  • node app.js --once - run the script only once (don't run repeatedly)
  • node app.js --end - just claim and end any listings where the term has completed (don't create new listings)
  • node app.js --cancel - just cancel any existing listings (don't create new listings)
  • node app.js --offline - run in offline mode for testing purposes - shows information but doesn't send transactions to the blockchain

Production Use

Simply put, do not use this script in production if you do not know what you're doing. I strongly urge you to implement a more secure method than plaintext for giving a script private keys. In production, a secure secret storage solution (ie: Docker secrets) is highly advisable.

If you do use the script as is in production with a plaintext private key in the configuration file, it is highly recommended that you use dedicated lending hot wallet with only a few MATIC to cover gas costs. Do not keep valuable assets in this wallet. You'll need to set your lending hot wallet as a lending operator. This can be done using Louper.dev or some similar tool to call the setLendingOperator method of the Aavegotchi LendingGetterAndSetterFacet smart contract.

Using PM2

To run the application in the background, you can use PM2 to daemonize it. An ecosystem.config.js file has been provided with some suggested settings. You can install PM2 globally using npm install pm2 -g.

To start the script, use pm2 start. To stop the script, you can use pm2 stop gotchi-lender or use pm2 delete gotchi-lender. You can monitor the script with pm2 logs or, the prettier version: pm2 monit

Using Docker

A dockerfile is included if you want to run the script inside a Docker container. Here are some suggested commands:

Build the image (from project root):

docker build -t gotchi-lender .

Run the container

docker run -d --restart unless-stopped gotchi-lender

Please note that the configuration file is part of the docker image, so the image would need to be rebuilt anytime the lending terms or other configuration has changed.