
Examples and exercises for Kafka Streams workshop

Primary LanguageScala

Kafka Streams workshop

This repository contains examples and exercises for the Kafka Streams workshop.


Code examples from the workshop slides are available in src/main/java/kafkastreams/javaexamples and src/main/scala/kafkastreams/scalaexamples


The goal of the exercises is to get the various tests to go green by implementing missing functionality in the empty methods.

You can find the exercises in src/main/java/kafkastreams/javaexercises

The corresponding tests are located in src/test/scala/kafkastreams/exercises

Solving exercises in Scala

If you want to implement the exercises using Scala instead of Java, open src/test/scala/kafkastreams/exercises/ExerciseBase.scala and include the import for the Scala exercises instead of Java.

The Scala exercises are located in src/main/scala/kafkastreams/scalaexercises

Running tests

To run the tests from Gradle:

./gradlew test

To run in IntelliJ:

  • Right click on test class in Project view and select Run 'Exercise...', or
  • Open test class in editor and press Ctrl+Shift+F10 (on Mac)