
A comprehensive, curated list of all projects in the Ordinals ecosystem. Your go-to guide for navigating the ever-expanding world of Ordinals.

Awesome Ordinals

A curated list of Ordinals projects. To add your project to this repository and have it listed on our website, please follow the guidelines below.

Project Description Guidelines

When describing your project, please avoid using superlative adjectives and marketing jargon. Aim for a clear, concise description that accurately represents your project.

Good example: "Browser extension wallet for Bitcoin apps."

Bad example: "The best & most awesome & most popular & super amazing browser extension wallet for Bitcoin apps."

Directory Naming Convention

Project directory names should follow the typical slug convention: all lowercase, with symbols replaced by hyphens.


  • 'Ord.io' --> ord-io
  • 'Ordin.art' --> ordin-art
  • 'Magic Eden' --> magic-eden
  • 'Hiro Wallet' --> hiro-wallet

Logo Requirements

For project logos, please adhere to the following format:

  • Must be in .png format
  • Recommended size: 256x256 px

To add your project, simply send us a pull request on GitHub following the guidelines above. We look forward to showcasing your contribution to the Ordinals ecosystem!