
An open-source TransferWise API client for Node.JS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

TransferWise Node.js Library

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An open-source TransferWise API client for Node.JS

The TransferWise Node library provides convient access to the TransferWise API from applications written in server-side JavaScript.


See the TransferWise API docs for the offical docs, below is a list of methods supported by this library.


Install the package with:

npm install @fightmegg/transferwise

NB: Requires Node >= 12


import TransferWise from '@fightmegg/transferwise';

const tw = new TransferWise({ token: ..., sandbox: true });
const profiles = await tw.profiles();


Currently only supports methods listed below. Aim to support all API methods soon.


await tw.profiles();


await tw.borderlessAccounts("<profileId>");


await tw.recipientAccounts.create("<accounts object>");
await tw.recipientAccounts.get("<accountId>");
await tw.recipientAccounts.delete("<accountId>");
await tw.recipientAccounts.list("<account url params>");


await tw.quotes.temporary("<quote url params>");
await tw.quotes.create("<quote object>");
await tw.quotes.get("<quoteId>");


await tw.transfers.create("<transfer object>");
await tw.transfers.cancel("<transfer object>");
await tw.transfers.get("<transferId>");
await tw.transfers.issues("<transferId>");
await tw.transfers.fund("<profileId>", "<transferId>");
await tw.transfers.deliveryEstimate("<transferId>");
await tw.transfers.list("<transfer url params>");


await tw.simulation.transfers.processing("<transferId>");
await tw.simulation.transfers.fundsConverted("<transferId>");
await tw.simulation.transfers.outgoingPaymentSent("<transferId>");
await tw.simulation.transfers.bouncedBack("<transferId>");
await tw.simulation.transfers.fundsRefunded("<transferId>");

Webhook Verification

TransferWise signs all Webhook events, and it is recommended that you verify this signature . Luckily this library can do that for you.

Similarly to how stripe node works, you should only use the event returned from the method below.

const event = tw.webhooks.constructEvent("<webhookMsg>", "<signature>");

Please note that you must pass the raw request body, exactly as recieved from TransferWise to the constructEvent() function; this will not work with a parsed (i.e., JSON) request body.

You can find an example of how to use this with Express below:

app.post("/", bodyParser.raw({ type: "application.json" }), (req, res) => {
  const sig = req.headers["x-signature"];
  const event = tw.webhooks.constructEvent(req.body, sig);
  // ...

Known Sandbox Issues

Below is a series of issues that l have found out through various email chains with TransferWise API team.

1. Create a Transfer

When creating a transfer, the field targetValue will always be populated as 0 regardless, therefore you should only rely on this field in production.

2. Simulate a Transfer

When funding a transfer, the transfer state might show processing, however this state is misleading. When simulating, you will still need to simulate from incoming_payment_waiting to processing.


Run all tests:

$ npm test

This library is published to both the NPM and GitHub package registrys.