
A colleciton of functions for converting Pandoc style Markdown to AsciiDoc format

Primary LanguageJuliaMIT LicenseMIT

AsciiDoc Tools

Code Style: Blue

A colleciton of functions for converting Pandoc style Markdown to AsciiDoc format: AsciiDoc Syntax Quick Reference.

Here is an example of how Asciidoc is typically generated on the commandline:

$ asciidoctor-pdf -a pdf-style=manning -r asciidoctor-mathematical  ch05-text.adoc

To install and configure AsciiDoc look at this article: AsciiDoc and Ruby on macOS

The implementation here is in large parts derived from my MarkuaTools and PandocTools Julia packages.

Quick Guide

Each file contains a function replace one logical group of items. All these are combined in the combine.jl file where you will find the replace_all function which replaces everything in a file.

julia> replace_all("filename.md")

If you only want to replace e.g. blurbs, you would write:

julia> replace_blurbs("filename.md")

For your .md files you will usually have some image assets which you want to move over to your new project.

julia> imagepaths(".", "~/NewProj/Images")
cp ../assets/textmate-bundle.jpg ~/NewProj/Images
cp ../assets/boxing-unboxing.svg ~/NewProj/Images

Then you can copy paste these copy commands to move the files.