We have many GCP projects. Here is the list of them. Developers should use playground for all of their testing. You should not create new projects. Prod, QA and Dev have deployment pipelines to deploy cloud functions.
Playground (strong-keyword-184513)
experimental environment for all service proof of concepts
Platform-Dev (platform-dev-788014)
development environment for automated deployments and initial testing
Platform-QA (platform-qa-953425)
Qa environment for integration tests
Platform-Prod (platform-prod-399563)
Production environment
Once the tar.gz is installed initialize your gcloud...
gcloud init
Choose account to perform operations for this configuration
Select your O’Reilly domain name
Pick cloud project to use
Select project for playground (strong-keyword-184513)
Do you want to configure a default Compute Region and Zone?
Answer Yes
Set region zone to (us-central1-a)
gcloud components update && gcloud components install beta
Init again to edit these settings or add other configurations
Also you can override your project and zone with the --project and --zone options
Example to list functions from non-default project and zone gcloud beta functions list --project platform-dev-788014 --zone us-west1-b
Install nvm
Google Cloud Functions only support node.js v6.11.5 as of 3/12/2018
Install node.js v6.11.5
nvm install 6.11.5
nvm use 6.11.5
Install with npm
npm install serverless -g
This will install serverless into the nvm env, if you wish to have it available in your standard path
ln -fs /Users/{user_name}/.nvm/versions/node/v{node_version}/bin/serverless /usr/local/bin
Run the tool
serverless --version
Serverless authentication
A keyfile.json is necessary to deploy serverless functions in our playground project
Go to the API Credentials page in GCP
Select Create Credentials
Select Service Account Key
Under Service Account select the “serverless” service account
Ensure JSON is selected
Press Create
A json file will download, move it to ~/.gcloud/keyfile.json
Install with npm
npm install -g @google-cloud/functions-emulator
Run the tool (some shells will have a conflict with the default functions, use functions-emulator)
functions-emulator --help
When starting a new serverless project first consider what feature or service your functions will serve. Check to see if a serverless project already exists for that feature or service. If not create a new project using the ORM project template.
Create a function from the ORM template Pull down the ORM cloud function template and give it a unique named directory serverless install --url https://github.com/oreillymedia/cloud-function-template --name {name_of_your_serverless_project}
You now have the ORM default template for google cloud functions installed in your directory. This includes a .gitignore, .eslintrc, .gcloudignore, README.md, index.js, package.json, serverless.yml, as well as a tests and functions directories.
Update package.json including name, version, description, tests, and dependencies
Update serverless.yml including service name, function name(s) and provider project fields.
Update README.md to describe the service your functions will serve.
Once set git init and create a repo in git oreillymedia organization and push your initial commit.
During the development lifecycle we are using node 6.11.5 and es6 as standards for writing. ESlint and jest are standards for linting and testing.
Notice in the project template there is a a single index.js module, this stores the set of functions that serve a similar feature or service. By default there are 2 sample functions httpHelloWorld and eventHelloWorld. http* is triggered by a web request while event is triggered by pubsub events.
Cloud functions are limited to deploying functions from one module so when writing if multiple function deployments will reside in one project they must be exported from the main index.js. AWS Lambda and Kubeless do not have this limitation and multiple js modules can be deployed simultaneously. This is a current limitation with google cloud functions only
We can use google-cloud-emulator to deploy and test a function locally to ensure it is working as expected. Serverless offers this with their invoke local method but it does not support google cloud functions… yet.
Start the emulator
functions-emulator start
Deploy the exported function name with an http trigger (as opposed to pub/sub event trigger)
functions-emulator deploy {my_function} --trigger-http
Call the deployed function
functions-emulator call {my_function}
Inspect the function from a browser
functions-emulator inspect {my_function}
View logs to get the Debugger url
functions_emulator logs read
You will see output like... Debugger listening on ws://
Copy and paste the url to your browser and call the function. You can now see vars, step through code and inspect your function to the fullest.
Turn off inspection
functions_emulator reset {my_function}
Stop the emulator
functions-emulator stop
Deploy your function As you prepare to deploy functions be sure you are only deploying to playground from your local computer. Dev, QA and Prod will have deployments based on git hooks.
Serverless framework can deploy functions to gcp, aws, kubeless, and many more. With a simple change of the serverless.yml this function can be running in multiple clouds.
First package your functions to ensure they compile and package properly, find the results in the .serverless directory
serverless package
Once your function is tested with functions-emulator and receive the proper output you can push it to the serverless provider set in your serverless.yml
serverless deploy
Once deployed you can now get back logs from your function
serverless logs -f my_function
Serverless Plugins: Serverless framework allows us to use, or create, plugins to facilitate certain tasks.
By default our cloud-function-template uses serverless-google-cloudfunctions, but there are others that may be beneficial. To use a plugin they must be installed in the package.json AND referenced in the serverless.yml file plugins.
List available plugins
serverless plugins list