Log Analysis Project

A reporting tool that prints out reports (in plain text) based on the data in a database using python. The project is part of the Udacity Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree.

Built with

  • Python 3
  • Postgresql



  • Python3
  • Vagrant
  • VirtualBox
  • Postgresql


  1. Clone this repo
    git clone https://github.com/oreilm49/logs-analysis
  2. Install vagrant
  3. Install VirtualBox
  4. Download and unzip sql database into the project directory
  5. Download the vagrant set up files. Copy the Vagrantfile into the project directory.


  1. Launch Vagrant by & log in by running
    > vagrant up
    > vagrant ssh
  2. Load database by running the following sql
    psql -d news -f newsdata.sql
  3. Run database analysis
    python reporting.py

Under the hood


There are three tables in the database

  • Authors: contains information about article authors.
  • Articles: all information on each article inluding content, slug, title and a foreign key linking to the Authors table.
  • Log: Info relating to each individual page request per article. Describes each request by URI path, method, timestamp, ip and the HTTP status.

There are also two views:

  • articles_info: creates a relationship between each article, it's author and number of views.
    CREATE VIEW articles_info AS
        SELECT articles.title AS article,
        authors.name AS author, count(log.path)
        AS views
        FROM articles, authors, log
        WHERE CONCAT('/article/',articles.slug) =
        log.path AND articles.author = authors.id
        AND log.path LIKE '%/article/%'
        GROUP BY articles.title, authors.name
        ORDER BY views DESC;
  • day_requests: describes total number of requests per article page per day, and the total of each HTTP status.
    CREATE VIEW day_requests AS
        SELECT time::date as day,
        count(*) FILTER (WHERE status = '200 OK')
        AS ok,
        count(*) FILTER (WHERE status = '404 NOT
        FOUND') AS bad,
        count(*) AS total
        FROM log
        GROUP BY day;


Three functions provide insights on the database:

  1. top3Articles() aptly named, returns the top three articles of all time.
  2. topAuthors() returns the list of article authors ranked by article views.
  3. notFoundRate() displays days where the % of page requests was above 1%.