
Another Web Terminal Demo

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Another Web Terminal Demo

Here is a simple demo of a web terminal (over HTTP or HTTPS). It was initially based on the Wetty project. It uses WebSocket (socket.io) for "real-time" communication between a backend command (e.g. bash) running on a node.js server and a frontend presentation in your browser (based on xterm.js). An express web server is also used on the 'node.js' server, to serve some static pages.

Download and Install

By default, "npm install" will install all modules listed as dependencies in 'package.json'.

git clone https://github.com/orel33/webterm.git
npm install

Start this Demo

node app.js -p 3000

Then open http://localhost:3000 with a modern browser...

Dev Corner

How to handle dependencies both on server-side (node.js)?

To build a default 'package.json', run npm init with the --yes or -y flag:

npm set init.author.email "aurelien.esnard@u-bordeaux.fr"
npm set init.author.name "orel33"
npm set init.license "GPL-3.0-only"
npm init -y

Let's install some dependencies and save it in the file 'package.json':

npm install xterm --save
npm install socket.io --save
npm install express --save
npm install node-pty --save
npm install optimist --save

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Bugs and Todo List

  • clean code (remove session, https, ...)
  • try to use the lateste release of xterm.js (version "^4.18.0")
