
UnrealTournament package containing derived games types for CTFGame and TeamGamePlus for controlling players team assignments by game password.

Primary LanguageUnrealScript

Assigned Teams

UnrealTournament package containing derived games types for CTFGame and TeamGamePlus for controlling players team assignments by game password.

Version: 0.2-beta
Author: Orel Eraki
Email: orel.eraki@gmail.com

How does it works ?

GamePassword is set with a delimiter(;) format. When a player joins, it will iterate through the different tokens and remember the current iteration position.
When a player password match to a token, it will take the iteration position and will look inside the StrategyAssignment configuration for the correct Team index.
For any case the password isn't a match (e.g. admin), it will give the responsability for login to the default behavior.

UnrealTournament Default Team Numbers

Number Name
0 Red
1 Blue
2 Green
3 Gold
255 None

StrategyAssignment Formats

Format Description
0000011111 First 5 passwords will be mapped Team0(Red)
Next 5 will be mapped Team1(Blue)
0000011111s First 5 passwords will be mapped Team0(Red)
Next 5 will be mapped Team1(Blue)
Last Password(Position 11) will force player to be spectator

Algorithm examples

Use Case#1

- For GamePassword:         one;two;three;four
- For StrategyAssignment:   0123
Player joins with
    Pass="one",     Matched token at Position=1, StrategyAssignment[1] = 0(Red)
    Pass="two",     Matched token at Position=2, StrategyAssignment[2] = 1(Blue)
    Pass="three",   Matched token at Position=3, StrategyAssignment[3] = 2(Green)
    Pass="four",    Matched token at Position=4, StrategyAssignment[4] = 3(Gold)

Use Case#2

- For GamePassword:         dog;cat;wolf;lion;hawk
- For StrategyAssignment:   0101s
Player joins with
    Pass="dog",     Matched token at Position=1, StrategyAssignment[1] = 0(Red)
    Pass="wolf",    Matched token at Position=3, StrategyAssignment[3] = 0(Red)
    Pass="cat",     Matched token at Position=2, StrategyAssignment[2] = 1(Blue)
    Pass="lion",    Matched token at Position=4, StrategyAssignment[4] = 1(Blue)
    Pass="eagle",   Matched token at Position=5, StrategyAssignment[5] = Spectator
    Pass="falcon",  No Match => Will try Default Login


  1. Copy AssignedTeams.u and AssignedTeams.int files to System folder.
  2. Start server with the new Game types.


These are the default values.



Game Types

All game types are overriding the original. thus containing the same functionality.

Name Original Package
AssignedTeamsCTFGame CTFGame Botpack (BuiltIn)
AssignedTeamsTeamGamePlus TeamGamePlus Botpack (BuiltIn)
AssignedTeamsNewCTF NewCTF NewCTF v17



ucc.exe server CTF-Coret.unr?Game=AssignedTeams.AssignedTeamsCTFGame log=server.log ini=UnrealTournament.ini

TeamGamePlus (TDM)

ucc.exe server DM-Deck16][.unr?Game=AssignedTeams.AssignedTeamsTeamGamePlus log=server.log ini=UnrealTournament.ini