Build Alexa skill using the terminal

The quickest way to build an Alexa skill. The goal of this repo is to allow building Alexa skill from the CLI and without reaching out to the web interface.

1. Prerequisites

  1. create account on
  2. create account on
  3. Create IAM user on and put the credentials in ~/.aws/credentials
aws_access_key_id = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
aws_secret_access_key = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  1. Install 'ask' the executable for managing skills: npm install -g ask-cli

2. Create and deploy the skill

git clone
cd hello-world-skill
ask deploy

In the web interface, under the 'test' tab, enable the skill for testing. It's a red toggle button. Maybe there is a way to do that from the CLI, I am not sure yet.

3. Test it

Say: "Alexa, open oren states quiz"

How to update the skill?

ask deploy didn't work since .ask/config is being populated with a skill_id. What I currently do is delete the skill from the web interface and start all over. I am sure there is a better way. I just don't know how.

ask deploy -t lambda works when the skill id present and I only need to update the lambda.

How to create a skill from scratch

(This is probably not be working. This document is a work in progress. If you know how to make it work, send a PR please)

alexa ask new --skill-name states-quiz --lambda-name states-quiz 
cd states-quiz
ask deploy