
The Hugo Markdown file for "Getting Started with Rust by Building a Tiny Markdown Compiler"

Source for the Rust TinyMD Tutorial

I appreciate your pull requests to help make this tutorial better!


  1. Clone the repo
  2. Make your changes
  3. Submit a pull request, and include in your PR message how you would like me to mention you in a Special Thanks section at the end! (otherwise, I'll just use your github username).

This tutorial is published on a Hugo site.

Summary of Custom Content

There are some special Hugo shortcodes I use in my tutorials.

  • codecaption. This creates a custom code block with line numbers and a filename at the top (corresponding to the title field).
  • checkpoint. This is used to display the student learning objectives (SLOs) of each chapter, along with a link to a Gist and an quote about perserverence.
  • showobjectives. Lists the objectives of a particular chapter.

In addition to this, there are some other uses of Hugo shortcodes, like relref and whatnot.

Thanks again for contributing!