
Skeleton of a Sinatra app. it helps me to organize my code.

Primary LanguageRuby

This is the source code for the sinatra-template project on github.
It's the basic structure I use for my Sinatra projects and it make things a bit more organized.

What's inside?

  • Modular Sinatra app version 1.3.2 using ruby 1.9.3-p125
  • minitest for unit-level tests
  • rack-test for routes tests
  • capybara + minitest for integration tests (no need for rspec)
  • yard for documentation
  • Rakefile, Gemfile, .rvmrc, .gitignore

Folders Structure

app.rb         # require sinatra, vendor'd gems, models/init, routes/init, helpers/init

  init.rb      # Require each helper file
  helper1.rb   # Related helper methods

  init.rb      # Require each model, in controlled order
  user.rb      # model
  picture.rb   # model

  init.rb      # Require each route, in controlled order
  user.rb      # One or more routes related to some feature
  admin.rb     # One or more routes related to administration

  layout.erb   # Common layout
  index.erb    # Specific view

  models       # minitest
  routes       # rack-test
  acceptance  # capybara + minitest


Install Ruby 1.9.3 (if necessary). RVM is optional, but highly recommended

rvm install ruby-1.9.3-p125
git clone https://github.com/oren/sinatra-template.git
cd sinatra-template (it will create sinatra-template gemset)

Install QT (needed for capybara-webkit)

Install bundler

gem install bundler

Install the gems

bundle install --without production staging

View all available rake commands

rake -T

rake                  # Run all tests
rake test:acceptance  # Run acceptance tests
rake test:models      # Run models tests
rake test:routes      # Run routes tests
rake yard             # Generate YARD Documentation

Run the server


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