Let's learn this shit.
I will try to colect here all in one place for setup so called bare-metal(mostly aluminium in my setup).
I hope it will grow in some nice tuturial someday:)
My setup: Ryzen 7 2800x 64GB 2x 500GB disk
ESXi 7 Vcenter(noob here - I needed little less then 500 GB for this - probably we can use smaller size)
- I found it usefull that vcenter did not lock direct access to ESXi
- I Enabled autostart of VCenter machine in ESXi
SSH key
Fallow the instructions here:
- step
2.step - Prepare to Deploy Management Clusters to vSphere
- step - Deploy Management Clusters to vSphere with the Installer Interface
Her you need to do in your console(https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-Tanzu-Kubernetes-Grid/1.1/vmware-tanzu-kubernetes-grid-11/GUID-install-tkg-verify-deployment.html):
For management cluster(This needs to be done first):
tkg get management-cluster
kubectl config use-context my-management-cluster-admin@my-management-cluster
tkg create cluster my-cluster --plan dev
On the link you can see other options.
I had tkg cli and esxi with Vcenter ready. With user TKG-USER as descried in VMware instructions
tkg init -u
Fallow web GUI. I used dev with minimal instances. It took round 10-15 min for setup to complete.
tkg get management-cluster
kubectl config use-context <your-name>
tkg create cluster <cluster_name> --plan=dev
It took round 5-10 minutes that cluser was up and running.
tkg get credentials <cluster_name> -> get cluster context
kubectl config use-context <cluster context>
tkg scale cluster <cluster_name> -w 2
- Deploy clusters on different datastore
- ssh to node/master