
In order to keep clean your working environment it is advised to download virtualenv to create an isolated python environment. To install virtualenv globally using pip run

[sudo] pip install virtualenv

Now we can create an isolated python environment. We use Python3 so we need a Python3 virtual environment, in order to create it run

cd ~
mkdir thxou-venv/
cd thxou-venv/
virtualenv -p python3 thxvenv

Now that we created the virtual environment we need to activate it

source ~/thxou-venv/thxvenv/bin/activate

Now go to the src/ folder of the project and install the dependencies of the project using pip

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

You are ready to run the scripts below. To deactivate the virtual environment(when you finish working with the scripts) type the command


Query by Singing/Humming

A Query by Singing/Humming approach (QbSH) approach using Dynamic Time Warping (DTW). Workflow tutorial:

  1. Download and extract the MIR-QBSH dataset and place it under src/datasets/MIR-QBSH-corpus/.
  2. Change working directory to src/
  3. Execute in order to extract the .midi and .wave pitch vectors and store them in the corresponding pickle files.
  4. Execute the following:
./ --preprocess --pickle-whole --database "./midi.pickle" "./wave.pickle"

This should iterate every element in wave.pickle, normalize it (maybe we should change this, as it isn't really normalization) and try to find the best matches for it in midi.pickle. The MIDI pitch vectors remain unchanged and all of the preprocessing refers to the input query pitch vector. This workflow creates once the pitch vectors databases, which is a very time-consuming task, and performs normalization/preprocessing of the input query in run-time, allowing easier experimentation. Most of this approach has been adapted from this. The MIR dataset is preferred because it guarantees that all input queries start from the beginning, as it states:

All queries are from the beginning of references.

IOACAS on the other hand, states:

No guarantee for each humming starts from the beginning of the songs.

We consider a match if for each query, the ground truth is contained in the top ten matches sorted by DTW score. Thus, in the MIR corpus we were able to achieve an accuracy of 58.77% with a sample size of 4431 queries.