
Human readable IDs, in Python

Primary LanguagePython

Human ID test PyPI version

A simple library for generating human IDs like look-dead-game-story or get-nice-office-side.

Install with pip install human-id


from human_id import generate_id

# Simple: "appear-hard-idea-case"

# Custom separator: "do,past,job,number"

# More words: "say-may-ask-traditional-power-week"

# Custom seed - the same UUID will produce the same ID.
import uuid


This module also comes with a small command line tool: humanid-gen

❯ humanid-gen --help
Usage: humanid-gen [OPTIONS]

  Generate human readable IDs

  --words INTEGER  Number of words
  --sep TEXT       Separator
  --seed TEXT      Seed to use
  --count INTEGER  Number of IDs to generate
  --help           Show this message and exit.


This library contains 100 of the most common English nouns, adjectives and verbs, and will generate a phrase containing several of each type, in the order verb, adjective, noun.

The most common words where chosen because they are typically shorter and simpler to read or type, which is a key property of human readable IDs.

By default the ID will contain 4 words, which means there are 300^4 possible IDs (8,100,000,000). If your use case requires more IDs then you can up the number of words at the expense of the readability factor. To have the same number of possible IDs as UUIDs you require 15 words:
