
Information on BOMs and specifically SBOMs. Concepts and implementations are assessed and contextualized.

SBOM and MBOM Essentials


In advance to the details definitions on terminology are provided.



An Asset is concept or unit of value. Here, either a Software or Hardware Asset. Assets may also be documents or data sets; content in general.

Bill of Materials (BOM)

A Bill of Materials is listing details of an asset in a human- or machine-readable fashion. BOMs can contain hierarchy or relationship information.


The supplier is a person or legal entity that produces a Software or Hardware Asset. The supplier is the originator, creator, or manufacturer of an Asset.


A distributor may distribute Software and Hardware Assets. The Software and Hardware Assets are not modified as such and distributed "AS IS".


A vendor is a supplier or distributor that acts in a commercial context / relationship with a consumer of an Asset.


Software Asset

A Software Asset is an Asset consisting of Software. Software Assets are for example:

  • Software archives for distribution
  • Software Container Images
  • Virtual Machine Images

Software Artifacts / Artifacts

Substructures or details of a Software Asset are Software Artifacts or just Artifacts.

Software Components

Software Components group Software Artifacts into a logical unit. Often these artifacts have consistent characteristics.

Software Bill of Materials (SBOM)

A human- or machine-readable BOM lists Software Artifacts providing details on one or more Software Assets.


Hardware Asset

A Hardware Asset is an Asset consisting of Hardware. Hardware assets are for example:

  • Devices (stationary devices and equipment, mobile devices, robots)
  • Server appliances

A Hardware Asset may require software to operate (microcontroller programs, FPGA programs, operating systems and other software components).

Hardware Units

Physical units of hardware. An Hardware Asset may consist of one or more Hardware Units.

Hardware Parts / Parts

Details of Hardware Unit are Hardware Parts or just Parts.

Hardware Bill of Materials (HBOM)

A human- or machine-readable BOM lists Hardware Parts detailing on one or more Hardware Assets. An HBOM consists primarily of all Hardware Parts required to build a complete and shippable product. In addition, the HBOM may also refer to software and service information to refer to additional information.

Background: The term Manufacturing Bill of Materials (MBOM) is defined in early ANSI/ISA-95 (IEC 62264-1 Models and Terminology). Recently the term Hardware Bill of Materials (HBOM) is used more commonly. See also CISA - A HBOM Framework for Supply Chain Risk Management.

SBOM Essentials

To outline SBOM essentials the different use cases around SBOMs are inspected.

SBOM Use Cases


The following projects define SBOM data models and format definition:

HBOM Essentials

HBOM creation can usually not be automated. HBOMs - in the best case - can be exported from hardware or mechanical design tools.

HBOM Use Cases

Based on an HBOM the following use cases are anticipated:

  • Linking the HBOM to SBOMs. Specifically with respect to software placed on the hardware (firmware, loadable application code)
  • Monitoring Vulnerabilities of Hardware and in correlation with Software.

Background: Some vulnerabilities only surface in combination with hardware. E.g., a specific hardware running a specific software configuration.

Unification across Hardware & Software

To organize software and hardware uniformly the metaeffekt tools use the following scheme:

Level Description Software Hardware
Asset Asset of value. Assets are distributed and contractually agreed. Software Asset Hardware Asset
Component Groups of Artifacts may form a Component. A Component can also be represented by a single Artifact. Software Component Hardware Unit / Hardware Component
Artifact Identifiable representation / part of a Component. See ArtifactType. Software Artifact (Archives, Packages, Files, Snippets) Hardware Part

Further aspects apply:

  • For Vulnerability Monitoring it is essential to choose the appropriate granularity of both hardware and software and to model their relationship.
  • Some Components may even represent individual Assets as required on lifecycle / contract level.

External References


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  • Copyright (c) 2022-2023 Karsten Klein, metaeffekt GmbH
  • Copyright (c) 2022 Thomas Schulte, metaeffekt GmbH