- 0
One wire pin is mocked
#143 opened by UmamamheshwariS - 3
Support for ATtiny816 / 1-series ATtiny
#131 opened by chris-b-tanner - 2
DS2502_DELLCHG example sends all data as FFs only
#140 opened by arekm - 1
- 2
- 4
Support for Raspberry RP2040
#123 opened by ahorn42 - 0
DS2502 write command CRC seems incorrect
#137 opened by polarbub - 8
Compile errors with new ATTiny chips
#89 opened by picsil - 5
Does not compile for arduino zero
#80 opened by milesfrankland - 0
DS2430 is not included in keywords.txt.
#136 opened by WendallH - 4
ZONT controller
#103 opened by mifrith - 4
Not Run Correctly on STACK-M5 ATOM-U (ESP32)
#132 opened by gegedvd - 2
Instability when connected with several real slaves
#127 opened by kbfifi - 0
- 17
Supported and tested Hardware: Attiny84 - Global variables use 574 bytes (112%) of dynamic memory
#124 opened by rtek1000 - 4
OneWireHub on ESP32 PROBLEM
#102 opened by lisdaniel - 1
Need solution for ESPHome
#121 opened by booroondook-eng - 1
ESPHome , Home Assistant
#120 opened by booroondook-eng - 1
- 0
Non-Volatile Memory / Save Page Data to EPROM
#117 opened by eychei - 1
error:first bit of byte timeout
#106 opened by Zhaojs1 - 1
Stability / timing issue
#110 opened by JochenKoehler69 - 0
Build issues on PlatformIO (for Arduino Uno)
#109 opened by JochenKoehler69 - 1
- 0
- 1
Writing array in to constexpr uint8_t array
#100 opened by x225am - 0
Possible 24B33 support ?
#104 opened by sigmounte - 1
May I buy you a coffee please?
#85 opened by eigenein - 2
Livolo thermostat sensor emulation
#84 opened by eigenein - 0
Named emulation devices
#101 opened by PM04290 - 3
- 1
Question about DS2423 emulation
#98 opened by bwims - 4
DS2438 Humidity
#83 opened by jrhilton - 1
- 0
How to use all 4 registers with DS2438?
#95 opened by raintonr - 0
DS2431 emulation issue (possible timings)
#94 opened by giteafan - 2
- 1
Does DS2431 support skip command?
#92 opened by x225am - 0
- 1
DS2431 Overdrive Master unable to read, Teensy LC
#88 opened by Rotario - 0
- 0
Define timings for known master devices
#86 opened by eigenein - 2
Slave on Digistump ATTiny85 (rev.3, china)
#81 opened by joachim198 - 2
Write protection after address 0x03 DS2502
#82 opened by AndiP1234 - 3
All not work (arduino 1.8.5)
#75 opened by selevo - 0
1-wire US-Patent expired by May 27, 2019
#78 opened by taliesin - 0
Question: detect if there is a master connected
#77 opened by thomasesr - 0
#76 opened by gustavovargasdasilva - 0
#74 opened by sashad - 0
Ibutton slave example fails on ESP32
#73 opened by naaaas