
Fast Project Manager that supports Git

Primary LanguageLuaMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


Small yet powerful project manager for Neovim written in fennel.


  • Open projects
  • Manage sessions (see Sessions)
  • Create projects from templates
  • Add custom templates


  • Packer
    use "pluffie/neoproj"
  • lazy.nvim
      cmd = { "ProjectOpen", "ProjectNew" },


NOTE: calling setup is not necessary at all, plugin will work even without it

require "neoproj".setup {
  -- Directory which contains all of your projects
  project_path = "~/projects",

Adding templates

You can add your own templates using register_template function:

require "neoproj".register_template {
  name = "Empty project (Git)",
  expand = "git init",

More information can be found in the help-file (:h neoproj-templates).


Neoproj does some session management out-of-box:

  • automatically loads file project_root/.nvim/session.vim (if exists)
  • has command for saving sessions (:ProjectSaveSession)

But Neoproj doesn't save sessions automatically, so you need to write :ProjectSaveSession all time. Let's fix it using autocmd!

  • Lua
    vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({"VimLeavePre"}, {
      callback = function()
        if vim.g.project_root ~= nil then
          require "neoproj".save_session()
  • Fennel
    (let [{:save_session save-session} (require :neoproj)
          callback #(when (not= nil vim.g.project_root)
      (vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd [:VimLeavePre] {: callback}))