
Linux utility for simplifying the Git usage.

Primary LanguageGoGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

god Release

Build Status Go Report Card License

Linux utility for simplifying the Git usage.

god parses the available Git commands from the retrieved list (git help) and turns them into an easy-to-type, one or two char format at the execution time. Shortcuts of commonly used git commands are supported for simplifying the usage and speeding up typing even more.


AUR (god)


Installation can be made with a AUR helper tool like Trizen or yay.

yay -S god

Manual Installation

Install the dependencies.

go get -d ./...

Set the required Go environment variables if not set for the installation. See this link for setting environment variables globally.

export GOPATH=~/go
export GOBIN=$GOPATH/bin

And finally install the god package.

go install


god > ?
| COMMAND |         DESCRIPTION         |
| exit    | Exit shell                  |
| git     | List available git commands |
| sc      | List git shortcuts          |
| alias   | Print shell or git aliases  |
| help    | Show this help message      |
| version | Show version information    |
| clear   | Clear the terminal          |


god > git
| COMMAND |   GIT    |
| c       | clone    |
| i       | init     |
| a       | add      |
| m       | mv       |
| r       | reset    |
| rm      | rm       |
| b       | bisect   |
| g       | grep     |
| l       | log      |
| s       | show     |
| st      | status   |
| bn      | branch   |
| ck      | checkout |
| cm      | commit   |
| d       | diff     |
| mr      | merge    |
| ra      | rebase   |
| t       | tag      |
| f       | fetch    |
| p       | pull     |
| ps      | push     |
| mt      | master   |
| o       | origin   |

Example output of shortened git commands.


god > sc   
| SHORTCUT |            COMMAND             |
| aa       | add -A                         |
| cmt      | commit -m                      |
| rmt      | remote -v                      |
| rr       | rm -r                          |
| ll       | log --graph --decorate --all   |
| lo       | log --graph --decorate         |
|          | --oneline --all                |
| ls       | ls-files                       |

Git shortcuts.

Executing non-git commands

Other terminal commands can be executed with adding a '#' character before the command. It's necessary for non-git commands because the god executes all other terminal inputs with git.

god > # ps
23965 pts/2  00:00:00 bash
30306 pts/2  00:00:00 go
30361 pts/2  00:00:00 god
30519 pts/2  00:00:00 ps
god > # pwd




god > st
On branch master
	modified:   README.md
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

god > a README.md

god > cmt "doc: Update README.md"
[master fba7e79] doc: Update README.md
 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+)

god > ps o mt
To https://github.com/orhun/god.git
   45e8aba..fba7e79  master -> master


Q: So it's a tool just to create some shortcuts for Git commands? Have you heard of git aliases?

A: Yes.

Q: Well, ok.

A: k


  • Support adding custom shortcuts.
  • Auto-complete commands.
  • Support custom prompt.


GNU General Public License (v3)


Copyright (c) 2019-2020, orhun