
What did we learn at our first week at WCS?

WCS - Recap of the first week

The terminal

What’s that for?

  • Execute commands by typing them on the keyboard
  • Manipulate files and directories (copy, move, rename, delete)
  • Extract specific information from large text
  • Efficiently search for files in a file tree, according to different criteria (name, modification date, etc.)
  • Install sofware
  • Others…


Home directory on Windows : /c/Users/MyName


Some basic commands
commands name if name description
pwd prompt - print working directory display current directory
cd or cd~ change directorie command retourn to the personal directory of the current user
cd~ short cut to the user folder
cd .. go up one directory (parent directory)
cd ~/Music go under your Music folder (whatever folder you were in before)
cd a + press tab twice
cd x + press tab twice
cd letter + press tab twice
show all folders beginning with a // same with x or every letter
ls list command tell you the files in the directory
ls -l tell you the files in the directory with more details
ls . list command “the current directory” = . tell you the files in the directory
ls - a displays the contents of the dictory but inclund hidden files (this are preceded by the characer .)
ls Pictures and ls./Pictures displays the contents of the Pictures folder
ls /Users allows you to display the list of directories associated with each user in the system
ls .. will give you the same result! The .. means the parents directory The one just above it in the tree strucure. /Users is above /Users/mgnor
ls /bin displays the contents of a directory containing the basic system commands (for exemple the command ls itselft!)
ls -l /bin does the same thing, but gives more details, such as woh owns the files, when they were last modified, and so on.

Notes :

Notion of parameters or arguments:

  • -l and /bin are the arguments given to ls.
  • Arguments beginning with - or - - like -a, -l or - -help are called flags they modify the behavior of the command.

The slash character (/) allows you to chain the names of directories and their subdirectories. This is the directory separator.

**Meaning of ~**

The character ~ (called tide) represents the personal directory of the current user.

It’s a quick way to acces /Users/MyName.

It’s very handy, especially if you’re in a completely different directory and you want to look at something in your personal file. For exemple, wherever we are, ls ~/Downloads allows you to list the contents of your folder Downloads

Some basic Files and Directories commands
commands name if name description
mkdir name makedirectory make a new directory
rmdir name remove directory remove directory
touch name create file
code name open the file
code . open the folder you are inside
cp copy use
cp ap* banana /fruits copy all files beginning with ap + babana in the fruits folder

cp -R fruits copy-of-fruits

cp -R -R is mandadoty to copy a directory, even an emty one

Recursive copy
cp -R fruits copy-of-fruits /tmp/ This also works with multiple source directories, in this case you have too give an existing directory as destination argment
rm remove

delete files and/or directories

immediate and definive not like “place in Recycle Bin”

rm -r name-directory<> The rmdir command being unable to delete a non-empty directory, one can use rm with the -r option (recursive) to accomplish this.
mv move and/or rename rm is used with two argument, the last one being the destination, and the previous one(s) the sources
mv ca* parsnip courgette vegetable/ move
mv fruits/orange fruits/grapefruit rename
mv vegetables/courgette fruits/kiwi Move and rename
Temporary files
commands name if name description
/tmp places for temporary files this folder contains temporary files which are sometimes used when installinf or running programs on your computer

echo “Hello, world” > helloWorld.txt

echo used to display text in the console
> symbol used to store the result of a previous command in a file, specifying next (you can use it with anything you want, not only echo)
cat helloWord.text display the contents of the file
echo “Hello there” > helloWorld.text change content of the file
mv helloWorld.txt helloThere.txt mv command is used to move a file from one location to another, but it can also be used to rename a file

Software skyscrapers


Git and GitHub

What is GitHub and what is GitHub for?

GitHub is a code hosting platform for version control and collaboration. It lets you and others work together on projects from anywhere.

Git and GitHub
commands description

echo "# Wild-W1-Recap" >> README.md

git init

git add README.md

git commit -m "first commit"

git branch -M main

git remote add origin https://github.com/orianemgn/Wild-W1-Recap.git

git push -u origin main

create a new repository on the command line with a https link

echo "# Wild-W1-Recap" >> README.md

git init

git add README.md

git commit -m "first commit"

git branch -M main

git remote add origin git@github.com:orianemgn/Wild-W1-Recap.git

git push -u origin main

create a new repository on the command line with a SSH link

git remote add origin https://github.com/orianemgn/Wild-W1-Recap.git

git branch -M main

git push -u origin main

push an existing repository from the command line https

git remote add origin git@github.com:orianemgn/Wild-W1-Recap.git

git branch -M main

git push -u origin main

push an existing repository from the command line SSH

git pull Uploading the change of your project on GitHup on your local machine
git add . or git add name-of-file to add all or one fill
git commit -m “message” to add your comment on the push request
git push to push from your on gitHub
git pull The git pull command is used to fetch and download content from a remote repository and immediately update the local repository to match that content
git branch branch-name Create a new branch
git checkout -b branch-name go to the branch
git push origin branch-name push on the branch