
Bot used for easy apply on LinkedIn

Primary LanguageJavaScript

LinkedIn Bot for Easy Apply

Bot used for LinkedIn easy apply

User Config 📡

Edit the config.json to match your job search criteria

For Existing Users 🤓

To upgrade the program on your machine simply pull the main branch, in your terminal type

git pull

For New Users ✨

Clone the repo

git clone https://github.com/chunkingz/linkedInEasyApplyBot.git

Initialize the app

cd linkedInEasyApplyBot && npm i

Add .env

touch .env

Add your Linkedin credentials to the env file


Run the app

npm start

Optional dev mode 🔧

npm run dev

i18n 🈶

If you would like to add a different language for internationalization, simply create the json file in the i18n directory with the language initials and add the translations.


touch fr.json # `fr` = french translation

Also feel free to submit issues and open PR's.