xaaCC-MAIN-20160924173739-00000-ip-10-143-35-109.ec2.internal.warc.tar.gz is a compressed file of a 100MB part of the first file downloaded from the commoncrawl 2016
etl-xaaCC-MAIN-20160924173739-00000-ip-10-143-35-109.ec2.internal.warc.txt.zip is a compressed file translated with the etl-script
The Etl script works with python3.3 and bs4 module (
bash sudo pip3 install bs4
) -
pig-script works with the format of etl-*.warc.txt file (
bash pig -x local -embedded jython pagerank.py
split --additional-suffix=CC-MAIN-20160924173740-00280-ip-10-143-35-109.ec2.internal.warc --number=l/18 CC-MAIN-20160924173740-00280-ip-10-143-35-109.ec2.internal.warc