
BIU NLP Lab website

Primary LanguageShell

How to compile the website locally:

Install prerequisites:

sudo gem install jekyll
sudo gem install github-pages

Activate locally:

cd biu-nlp-site
jekyll build --watch &
jekyll serve

Preview on browser:

Visit http://localhost:4000/

Other How-to's:

Add a new student:

Edit _data/phd_students.yaml or _data/master_students.yaml

The photos should be under assets/img/students/

Add a new publication:

Edit _data/publications.yaml

Add a new resource:

Fork your personal github repository to this repository (ask Yoav or Dudi to add you as a member).

For more tutorial materials on jekyll see: http://jekyllrb.com/docs/usage/

Based on this website by Chris Callison-Burch.