
FeedBoard(with Docker) - social network. Restful based on Node.js + UI Frontend app on React JS.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

FeedBoard - social network to post news or posts


We will be run all applications on docker.

First, we need to have a network and bring all applications on that network

docker network create feedboard-net

Install and run mongodb instance as a container

To Make sure, we don't lose data if a container restarts or re-creates. So, volume is important.

docker run -d -p 27017:27017 --name feedboard-mongodb -v data:/data/db --network feedboard-net --rm mongo

Working on the server app

cd server

Build an image

docker build -t feedboard-server:1 .

Run the app

docker run -d -p 4000:4000 --env-file docker.env --name feedback-server-app --network feedboard-net --rm feedboard-server:1

Working on the client app

cd client

Build an image

docker build -t feedboard-client:1 .

Run the app

Since React app runs on a browser. So, it doesn't matter if that container in the same network. Also the rest api domain shouldn't point to a container name. We can leave as localhost.If needs then just apply changes in .env file -it(interactive mode) is important otherwise React app stops

docker run --name feedback-client-app -d -p 3000:3000 -it --rm feedboard-client:1

Deploy in prod

UI app

Use Dockerfile.prod to make an image

cd client

docker build -t feedboard-ui-prod -f Dockerfile.prod .

Run the build to validate docker run --name feedboard-ui-app -d -p 3000:80 -it --rm feedboard-ui-prod

Api app

cd server

docker build -t feedboard-backend-prod .

docker run -d -p 4000:80 --env-file docker.prod.env --name feedback-backend-app --rm feedboard-backend-prod

Push both images to docker hub.

Docker Compose

Run applications through docker-compose: Elegant Multi-Container Orchestration

To create and run services. Docker compose creates a default network for these service. So, doesn't need by default --build - it creates an image again otherwise it uses an existing

docker-compose up -d --build

To stop and remove created services. By default it doesnt remove volume. -v helps to remove docker-compose down -v