Files in this directory were created as part of the ECMEN Ecritures médiévales et outils numériques research project, funded by the City of Paris in the Emergence(s) framework.

If you use any of the following files, please quote:

Stutzmann, Dominique. « Les 'manuscrits datés', base de données sur l’écriture ». In Catalogazione, storia della scrittura, storia del libro. I Manoscritti datati d’Italia vent’anni dopo, ed. Teresa De Robertis and Nicoletta Giovè Marchioli, Firenze: SISMEL - Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2017, p. 155-207.

	address = {Firenze},
	title = {Les « manuscrits datés », base de données sur l’écriture},
	language = {fre},
	booktitle = {Catalogazione, storia della scrittura, storia del libro. {I} {Manoscritti} datati d’{Italia} vent’anni dopo},
	publisher = {SISMEL - Edizioni del Galluzzo},
	author = {Stutzmann, Dominique},
	editor = {De Robertis, Teresa and Giovè Marchioli, Nicoletta},
	year = {2017},
	pages = {155--207}


The file ECMEN-ParisBnFMssFr.xml was created as part of the ECMEN research project. It is largely based on previous research by Denis Muzerelle and Monique Peyrafort on the medieval manuscripts of the "fonds français" at the French National Library. They were structured into TEI files and enriched with (1) links to digital images ; (2) semantic and diplomatic transcriptions ; (3) coordinates from lines to pixels on digital images ; (4) recent secondary literature.