
Colorization for NodeJS and Browser.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptISC LicenseISC


Simple utility for colorizing strings using ANSI styles, css styles for the browser and/or converting to html styled elements all with only ONE dependency.

Nothing fancy just a stripped down Chalk or Colors written in Typescript and in a way we find useful without some of the extras. For example there are no RGB colors. Just standard and bright colors.


$ npm install colurs


Base Usage

// Import the module.
import * as colurs from 'colurs';

// Gets default instance.
const clrs = colurs.get({ /* your options here */ });

// Create a string where the name "Bob" is in bold red.
let str = `My name is ${clrs.bold.red('Bob')}.`;

// With additional values
let str = `My name is ${clrs.bold.red('Bob', 'some value to append')}.`;

// Instead of ansi styling return array configured for
// use with console.log in the browser. Not the LAST
// argument indicates the browser stying should be returned.
let str = `My name is ${clrs.bold.red('Bob', true)}.`;

Convert to HTML

// Assumes str was generated such as colurs.red('some value').
let htmlStr = clrs.toHtml(str);

// If jQuery on window convert to element.
const el = window.jQuery(html);

Using Apply

You can also call the internal method directly. This is useful and more handy in certain scenarios.

// Apply your styles.
let name = clrs.applyAnsi('Bob Smith', 'bgRed', 'white');

// OR

let name = clrs.applyAnsi('Bob Smith', ['bgRed', 'white']);

Using Apply Html

Much like the above it is also possible in one step to apply ANSI styles and convert them to stylized html elements.

let name = clrs.applyHtml('Bob Smith', 'bgRed', 'white');

// OR

let name = clrs.applyHtml('Bob Smith', ['bgRed', 'white']);

Strip Color

Applicable only for ANSI styles, Colurs exposes the strip method for stripping color from a colorized value. It also supports objects by iterating and inspecting values which contain .replace methods to strip colors.

// Create colorized string.
let str = `My name is ${clrs.bold.red('Bob')}.`;

let sripped = clrs.strip(str);


Available options:

  • enabled whether or not to colorize values.
  • browser whether or not to enable browser mode (true when NOT node)
  • ansiStyles object containing ansi color tuples.
  • cssStyles object contaiing css styles by color or bgColor name.

Simply call the setOption method.

clrs.setOption('enabled', false);

// OR

clrs.setOption({ enabled: false });

Colurs Instance

You can also create an instance of Colurs. The module is initialized with a default instance however you can create a new instance if required.

import { Colurs } from 'colurs';

const clrs = new Colurs({ /* your options here */});


In the dist folder there is a browserify.js file you can include in your project however the best way to include the library is to compile using Webpack, Gulp, Grunt etc. Kind of cheated here in that probably should prevent exposing some methods not avail in the browser but for now just detects if is in node or not.
