
Simple logging utility supporting stream.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptISC LicenseISC


Logger that supports custom stream, events, handy helper methods and built in debugger creation.


$ npm install timbr


$ npm install timbr --production

Quick Start

Require or import

import * as timbr from 'timbr';
const log = timbr.init({ /* your options here */ })


import * as timbr from 'timbr';

// IMPORTANT: When using Typescript do NOT
// define your custom log levels as ITimbrLevel.
// In order for the "keyof typeof" trick to work
// with record it can't be typed with the interface
// this will be applied internally in Timbr's instance.
// Just define as plain object and you'll be good.

const LOG_LEVELS = {
  emerg: ['bgRed', 'yellow'],
  alert: ['underline', 'bold', 'red'],
  crit: {
    label: 'critical'
    styles: ['underline', 'red']
  error: 'red',
  warn: {
    label: 'warning',
    styles: 'yellow'
  notice: 'green',
  info: 'blue'

const LogLevelKeys = keyof typeof LOG_LEVELS;
const log = timbr.create<LogLevelKeys>({ /* your options */}, LOG_LEVELS);

NOTE: When NOT using Typescript you can create your logger instance by simply passing your options and log levels/methods (see below).

const log = timbr.create({ /* options */}, LOG_LEVELS);

Log a Message

log.warn('some warning.');

Default Levels

When calling the .init() method Timbr will initialize with the following default log levels:

error, warn, info, trace, verbose, debug

NOTE: the "debug" method by default is a debugger. A debugger behaves much like a typical log level but emits its events to debug listeners instead of log.

This behavior allows for simple debugging without additional libs or instantiating a debugger. Good for simple projects. If you need multiple debuggers, simply disable and create as many debuggers as needed. See below for creating custom debuggers.

You can change this behavior by setting "debugLevel" in options to another level or false to disable. This allows for custom methods WITHOUT a built in debug method.

const options = {
  debugLevel: false

Custom Levels

When initializing using the .create() method to create a custom instance you must pass an object containing your desired log levels and their respective configurations.

const LOG_LEVELS = {
  info: 'blue'

// OR

const LOG_LEVELS = {
  info: ['bgBlue', 'white']

const LOG_LEVELS = {
  info: {
    label: 'information', // when null the key is used or false to disable label for this level.
    styles: ['blue'] // string or array of string matching colurs styles.,
    symbol: 'info' // a named known symbol or a string,
    symbolPos: 'after' // or 'before',
    symbolStyles: null // same as above 'styles',
    indent: 10 // a number of spaces to indent or a string.

Logging Messages

A few logging examples.

Default Behavior

log('just some message.');

Using Formatting

log.warn('expected value to be of type %s', 'number');

Logging Metadata

log.trace('starting server...', { host: 'localhost', port: 1337 });

Logging Error

log.error(new Error('Whoops you can\'t do that!'));

Log & Exit

log.info('just some important message.').exit();

Log Line

Writes "----" before and after log message using the .write() method.

  .info('just some important message.')

Log Inline

Continually outputs to stream without line return.

Results in 'one, two'.

log.write('one, ').write('two');

Helper Methods

Timbr supports a few useful methods by default.

writewrites to output stream inline without line returns.
writeLnsame as above but with line return.
symbolgenerates a symbol or gets known symbol.
exitallows for exiting process ex: log.info().exit(code).


Timbr has built in support for creating debuggers.

Default Debugger

const debug = log.debugger();
// OR
const debug = log.debugger({ /* your options */ });
debug('my debug message.');

Log Level Debugger

You can use one of your log levels for the default debugger. When initializing Timbr options set:

const options {
  debugLevel: 'debug'

When using .init() or when passing log levels and creating an instance using .create() a log level of 'debug' will be wired up to the default debugger.

log.debug('your debug message.');
// same as instantiating
// const debug = log.debugger();
// debug('your debug message.')

Custom Debugger

const debugSvr = log.debugger('server', { /* options here */ });
debugSvr('some debug message for %s', 'server');

Activating Deubgger

When Node debug is detected the "default" debugger is automatically enabled. To enable specific debuggers you can pass the debuggers in the "DEBUG" environment variable.

$ DEBUG="debugger1,debugger2" node index.js

NOTE: the above will not work in Windows use the "set" command.

Additionally you can manually enable a debugger in your code.

const debugSvr = log.debugger('server');

Logic w/ Debuggers

Some times it's useful to check if a debugger is active before firing off some logic.

if (debugSvr.enabled()) {
  // do something the server debugger is active.

Show ONlY Debuggers

You can pass an environment variable to show ONLY debug messages and skip other messages. This can be handy during development time.

You can also set this in your initialization options using property "debugOnly".

$ DEBUG_ONLY="true" node index.js

Log Symbols

To use symbols you can get a known symbol to Timbr and manually add it to your log message or you can specify that known type in your log level config.

By default the following symbols are included: error, warn, info, trace, debug, ok.

Get Warn Symbol

const warnSymbol = log.symbol('warn');
log.warn('some message %s', warnSymbol);

Symbol in Options

Known Symbols

const SYMBOLS = {
  error: '✖',
  warn: '⚠',
  info: 'ℹ',
  trace: '◎',
  debug: '✱',
  ok: '✔'
const LOG_LEVELS = {
  warn: {
    symbol: 'warn', // a known symbol name (see above) to Timbr or custom string.
    symbolPos: 'after', // (before or after, default is after)
    symbolStyles: undefined // (if undefined above "styles" used)

Event Emitter

Timbr extends Event Emitter allowing you to listen to log or debug events.

Timbr Event Object

Both event listeners and callbacks provide access to the TimbrEventData object which is created when log arguments are parsed.

const event = {
  type: 'the primary type like error, warn, info etc',
  level: 'this is the log level or debug configuration options',
  index: 'the integer or index of the log level being logged',
  activeIndex: 'the integer of the active level, what you passed in your init options as the active level',
  message: msg, // this gets updated after compile.
  timestamp: 'the current timestamp',
  meta: 'any metadata or object that was passed in the log message',
  args: 'array containing the original arguments.',
  error: 'when an error is logged the error instance will be stored here',
  stack: 'the stack trace for the message being logged when no error present a stack is generated'

On Log

log.on('log', (message, event) => {
  // do something

// Or by type

log.on('log:info', (message, event) => {
  // do something

On Debug

log.on('debug', (message, event) => {
  // do something

// Or by type

log.on('debug:default', (message, event) => {
  // do something


streamstream to output to.WriteableStreamprocess.stderr
levelactive log level.string | numberinfo
colorizeenables/disables colors.booleantrue
labelLevelswhen true log messages prefixed with level label.booleantrue
padLevelspads left of level.booleantrue
prettyMetawhen true prettifies metadata on new line.booleanfalse
timestampenables/disables or defines timestamp type.false | time | datetime | iso | Functiontime
timestampStylescolors/styles for stylizing timestampstring | string[]null
timestampLocalethe timestamp localestringen-US
timestampTimezoneIANA timezone stringstringUTC
errorLevelthe error level name.stringerror
errorExitwhen true exits on errors.booleanfalse
errorConvertif first arg Error instance convet to error log level.booleanfalse
errorCapturecapture uncaught exceptions.booleanfalse
errorConstructwhen true on error level and is string convert to Error instance.booleanfalse
stackTracewhen true full stack trace shown on errors.booleantrue
stackDepthdepth of stack trace to display.number0
miniStackwhen true file, line & column shown on all messages.booleantrue
debugLevelthe log level to use for default debugger.string | falsedebug
debugOnlywhen true show only debug messagesbooleanfalse
debugElapsedwhen true shows elapsed time in ms for debug messages.booleantrue
beforeWritecallback for customizing log output before writing to stream.Functionnull

Get Option

Gets the timestamp format.

const currentLogLevel = log.getOption('level');

Set Option

Sets the timestamp format false disabling it from log messages.

log.setOption('timestamp', false);


