
Just a bunch of arrow functions that check if value is specific thing

Primary LanguageJavaScript


⚠️ This library is currently under construction and is not fully tested. Do not use in production environments.

Just a bunch of arrow functions that check if value is specific thing.

This library relies on a modern native ES6 implementation to work. It will not work in IE11 or older versions of Node.


isArray( value )

Returns true if value is an array, otherwise false.

It's literally just Array.isArray( value ).

isBoolean( value )

Returns true if value is a boolean instance or primitive boolean value, otherwise false.

isBooleanPrimitive( value )

Returns true if value is a primitive boolean value (true or false), otherwise false.

It's literally just typeof value === 'boolean'.

It will return false for Boolean instances (eg. new Boolean( true )) and truthy / falsey values (eg. null, 0, or '' empty string).

isConstructable( value )

Returns true if value can be instantiated with the new keyword, otherwise false.

Will return false for Symbol which, despite technically being constructable, will throw Error: Symbol is not a constructor if used with the new operator.

Classes and non-arrow functions are constructible. A Proxy is used to test for cosntructability without instantiating an instance of value.

isConstructible( value )

Identical to isConstructable( value ), just different spelling.

isClass( value )


Transpiled code (eg. Babel, TypeScript, etc) will almost always convert ES6 classes in to normal functions and the resulting "function-based classes" would elicit a false result from isClass().

Returns true if value is an actual ES6 class, otherwise false.

This is similar to isConstructable, but filters out normal functions.

isDate( value )

Returns true if value is a Date instance, otherwise false.

It's literally just value instanceof Date.

isError( value )

⚠️ There are errors with this validator, avoid using until further notice.

Returns true if value is some form of error object, otherwise false.

Will return false for errors that are primitive values (eg. throw "foobar").

isFunction( value )

Returns true if value is some kind of function, otherwise false.

It's literally just typeof value === 'function'.

Valid functions are:

  • function - normal functions
  • arrow => - arrow functions
  • (not yet tested) async function - async functions
  • function* - generator functions
  • class - ES6 classes

To filter to invokable functions, use isInvokable(). To filter to instantiatable functions use isConstructable().

isGenerator( value )

Returns true if value is a generator function defined with function* syntax, otherwise false.

isGeneratorish( value )

Returns true if value is or looks like a generator, otherwise false.

This includes both function* and also objects which implement both [Symbol.iterator]() & next() methods. It does not check for presence of a throw() method.

Note that just because something has [Symbol.iterator]() & next() methods doesn't necessarily mean it is actually a generator, so use this with care!

isGeneratorishThrowable( value )

Like isGeneratorish() but also requires presence of the .throw() method.

This is a much more reliable check than isGeneratorish() as non-generators are far less likely to have a .throw() method.

isInvokable( value )

⚠️ There are errors with this validator, avoid using until further notice.

Returns true if value is an invokable function, otherwise false.

Note that it does not actually invoke the function, so it's possible there will be some false positives, for example the following function is technically invokable but will throw an error if not called with the new operator:

function foo() {
   if ( !new.target ) throw 'This can only be used with the "new" operator'

isIterable( value )

Returns true if value implements [Symbol.iterator]() method, otherwise false.

Iterators can be used in for .. of loops. Note that strings are iterable.

isIterableExcludeString( value )

Like isIterable() but excludes strings.

isNull( value )

Returns true if value is defined as null, otherwise false.

It's literally just value === null.

isNumber( value )

⚠️ Has not been tested with BigInt numbers.

Returns true if value is a number instance of finite value or a finite primitive number value, otherwise false.

It will return false for strings containing numbers.

isNumberish( value )

⚠️ Has not been tested with BigInt numbers.

Like isNumber() but also allows strings containing numbers.

See also: isStringNumber()

isNumberPrimitive( value )

⚠️ Has not been tested with BigInt numbers.

Returns true if value is a finite primitive number value, otherwise false.

It will return false for number instances and strings containing numbers.

isObject( value )

Returns true if value is an object of any kind, otherwise false.

Will return false for primitive values (including null), functions and classes, but will return true for arrays and instances of classes.

isPlainObject( value )

Returns true if value is a plain object, otherwise false.

By plain object we mean something that is derived from an unextended Object.

Will return false for primitive values (including null), arrays, functions, classes, and instances of classes.

isPrimitive( value )

⚠️ Has not been tested with BigInt numbers.

Returns true if value is a primitive value, otherwise false.

The 7 primitive data types are: string, number, bigint, boolean, null, undefined, symbol.

Unlike isNumberPrimitive(), which mandates finite values, isPrimitive() will return true for primitive number "values" such as NaN and -Infinity; despite not being usable numbers, they have primitive number data type.

Will return false for primitive-like object instances (eg. new Boolean(true)).

isRegExp( value )

Returns true if value is a regular expression, otherwise false.

isString( value )

Returns true if value is a primitive string value or a string instance, otherwise false.

isStringNumber( value )

Returns true if value is a finite number encapsulated in a primitive string value or a string instance, otherwise false.

It will return false for number instances and primitive number values.

isStringPrimitive( value )

Returns true if value is a primitive string value, otherwise false.

It will return false for string instances.

isSymbol( value )

Returns true if value is a symbol, otherwise false.

It's literally just typeof value === 'symbol'.

isUndefined( value )

Returns true if value is defined as undefined, otherwise false.

It's literally just typeof value === 'undefined'.